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Book One | The Motion


The next day I woke up and the first thing I saw was a text from Clay telling me what a good time he had last night. I stared at the text for a minute too long then my right thumb flinched as it hovered over my keyboard but I didn't know what to type so I just stared for a sec longer before locking my phone.

Nothing's changed. That shit was just a moment of weakness and I was just horny that's all.

I then got up from my bed and went straight to the kitchen to make myself a quick snack before getting ready for school.

Chris is picking me up so I don't have to stress about time or leaving the house in a hurry.


An hour passed by and I heard Chris pull over outside my house so I grabbed all my shit and stepped out. "Yo sup nigga!" I said hopping into the car.

"Wha's good my G!" He said dapping at me then started the car and we drove off. We had a casual conversation on our way to school as always. "Yo ass really missed out yesterday. We was at that punk-ass Kevin's house and we had some real fine bitches all over the place"

"Nah, for-real?!" I said

"Yea nigga, we even got all 'em drunk and they went wild, started giving head and twerking all over the place. Man I swear some of 'em showed up saying they weren't tryna do nothing crazy cause they got morals and shit but as soon as the liquor started pouring that shit flew out the window like bye!"

"Nah you ain't for-real bruh! You's for-real, for-real?"

"Nigga I swear I ain't tripping" He said hyping the news up some more. "You should'a been there!"

"Yea man I know but I really needed to get this shit done you see so I had no choice but to bail on y'all" I said explaining myself.

"Yo aight man I understand...so you never told me who you partnered with by the way"

"Oh-Uhm didn't I tell you?"

"Nah you skipped out before I could get it out of you"

"Oh nah man that's cause it ain't that deep I'm working with some Nerd and knowing you, I doubt you'd even know who I was talking about if I mentioned his name"

"Whaaaa nigga you say that like I don't give a fuck about anyone but myself"

"Well do you? I said teasing him.

"Nigga whatever jus' try me"

"Aight well you know Joshua? That's who my partner is" I lied cause I lowkey didn't want Chris to tease me for hanging out with a fag at my house, people talk you know. And knowing him he'd probably drag that shit out forever.

"Uhm lemme think, Joshua, Joshua...do we even go to school with a Joshua" he said with uncertainty.

"Yeah nigga, he's that real tall skinny kid who's always quiet you know. I said laughing.

"Nigga whatever I ain't got time to stress over who's who at that school. I'm too important for that shit" he said with arrogance.

After a while we finally arrived at school and went about the day as normal. As the day went on I occasionally bumped into Clay here and there but we didn't say a word to each other. We just greeted with our eyes instead, and even though I know I said our moment together meant nothing, I couldn't stop thinking about fucking him everytime he walked passed me so I texted him "MEET ME BY THE BATHROOMS NEAR THE BLEACHERS ASAP" and he did.

It was still during the day so I knew for-sure that those are usually empty around this time. So I waited for him for about five minutes and when he finally got there we found a stall, locked it and I made him give me head in there.

"Oh shit I'm 'bout to cum!" I exclaimed "Damn oh fuck, I needed that" I said grabbing his hair then making him clean my dick with his mouth.

"Glad I could help daddy" he said smirking at me then sticking his tongue out to receive it some more. Guess he wanted to clean it up...

"Mhm you don't like to waste food, good boy!" I said smirking back at him as he cleaned it up with his tongue.

After that I put my dick back in my pants and we both grabbed our stuff as we got ready to leave the bathroom. "Eyy Clay look. What we doing, I don't want this shit to stop but if we gonna continue then we gotta be on the down-low about it okay cause can't nobody find out about us"

"Us?" He said surprised.

"Yea us, but not like a couple or anything...just the occasional fuckbuddies you know, purely professional and no feelings involved whatsoever you feel me?"

"Uhm ya I guess we can do that"

"Aight cool and remember you can't tell anyone, not even Michael or Arnia"

"Yeah dude of course" he said reassuring me that it'd stay between us.

"Aight good, Imma halla at you later then" I said leaving.

And from that day we started fucking on the regular over at my place since my parents were hardly home and it's closer to the school which just made it the most convenient place for us. He'd also give me head at school on occasion, but all depending on how horny I am.


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