Chapter 11:A single tear

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Breasha p.o.v


Today was the day for me to leave for The Voice.I texted Ray-J about 50 million times with no response.Was I really that in the wrong because I wanted to do something that could change my life?...

I texted him one last time and,again,with no response.Well even though the pain in my chest will not go away I still tried stalling to see if he would ever show up.I didn't expect him to say anything but he could at least show up.

I waited for another 20 secs before I looked back at my mum and she looked at me.I sat in the car and waited until it drove off.

I waved one last time to my family before they were finally outta sight.I let down my window and breath in the fresh air.

Breasha:Umm excuse me.

The driver looked at me in the review mirror with an expression i can't really read out.

Breasha:I really need to say my last goodbye to someone.

Th driver:1.My name is Ervin and 2.Ms. were late as it is and-


I looked at him with pleading eyes.He and I both knew he would hestitate and try to come up with something else so he can say no.But the look i gave him is just a look you can't say no to.

He pulled into a very familiar driveway.One that I knew for a long time.

I ran to the door and knocked on it.

Why in the worlds are you doing this?


Then I heard a familiar voice asking who was it and I replied me.She instantly knew who was at her glass door.

I hugged the one person in this house that doesn't hate me,beside Simm ofcourse.

Rj mum:Hey sweetie!I heard about you and Ray..are you okay?

I nodded and for all of God's sake i tried to keep an eye connection with her.We hugged one last time and said our goodbyes.But then I looked up and saw Ray-J and then I quickly started walking back to the car.I don't know why but I just couldn't.Look.Look in his face.

Ray-J:Brea!Wait slow down.Brea!Brea!


Ray-J:Im sorry I was a jerk last night.I didn't mean any of that-

Breasha:No you did.Yiu did.And you know what is so stipid?I believed thay it was actually MY fault.I mean this is my DREAM Ray.

Ray-J:I know Brea-

Breasha:Forget it.Forget you.Forget this.Us.

I slammed the car door in his face before he could reach me.He just pounded on the door.Calling me.A single tear slid down my eyes and I just wiped it away.

My love.....


Breasha outfit....

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