Chapter 19: The Attack of the Death Star

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It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.

John F. Kennedy
Campaign address, Seattle Washington, September 6, 1960

Sam and Brandon entered the protected area of the main reactor. Without warning, an electric shock attacked her. She hit the floor unconsciously. He used the Force to rip the device from the wall that attacked her.

He pulled her back a few feet. He used the Force to check on her vital signs. She was all right other than the electric shock to her system. Brandon grabbed his comlink and called for Ituor. "Something hit Sam with some kind of electrical field. She is out, but alive."

Ituor, Jack, and Dentralla ran to her aid. When they got there, Brandon ordered them to get her out of here. "Get her to the Peacemaker. Stay there until I return. I will do this alone or die trying."

Ituor at first wanted to stop him, but he knew that blowing up the Death Star had to be done now, or there might not be another chance. He said, "We'll take care of her. I want you to concentrate on what needs to be done. You can do this."

He absorbed the situation, locking eyes with Sam. A pang of worry flickered, but his training won out. Summoning the Force like a shield against the stormtroopers, he steeled himself. The reactor's defenses awaited, a challenge he had to overcome.

Despite the formidable defenses, the most grueling challenge was the Jedi training course designed by Tumok and Hothok. Yoda's specialized training, however, made him remarkably limber and agile, akin to a rubber band or a cat. The true complication arose from the defenses' ability to think, making his task immensely difficult. "Thank goodness something stopped her before she faced this," he thought.

His gaze locked on the reactor's ominous hum. A tremor ran through the Force, a chilling echo of Sam's demise. Reacting in a blur, he channeled the energy with a snarl, twisting it back at its origin. The weapon sputtered, then detonated in a deafening roar.

The final hurdle loomed before him, its likeness echoing a challenge from his Asgardian training. With a calmness born of honed senses, he deactivated his lightsaber and proceeded with measured steps. The obstacle yielded, offering no resistance. Extending his awareness through the Force, he confirmed there were no hidden threats. He meticulously attached the explosives Sam had provided, along with his own, to their designated targets. A synchronized hum filled the air as he willed the timers on all the charges to tick down in unison, three minutes flashing on each device. Retracing his steps, he bypassed the deactivated obstacle once more, and with renewed focus, navigated the remaining defenses. Each hurdle fell before him, a testament to his skill and resolve.

The tension was thick as the console beeped, each tick a second closer to detonation. Two minutes. Luke, eyes squeezed shut, focused on the Force, guiding him towards the Peacemaker. A sudden crash of boots echoed through the metallic hallway — a dozen stormtroopers rounded a corner, straight into him. Blasters rose in unison, fingers tightening on triggers. In a blur of motion, Brandon ignited his lightsaber, the yellow blade a streak of light. The troopers barely had time to register the threat before half their number were cut down, deactivated. Time seemed to warp as he pressed forward, the relentless beeps now counting down 1 minute, 45 seconds.

He made it to Sam's ship. He yelled, "Take off now! We have one minute and fifteen seconds before this Death Star goes boom."

Ituor had the ship ready for takeoff and took off. Brandon opened a hole in the shield was around the Death Star. Ituor went through it. When they were clear to jump to lightspeed, off they went and not too soon. Seconds after they jumped to light speed, the Death Star exploded.

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