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A/N: So the first 3 chapters are just repeated from my one-shots. If you've read them already, skip to chapter 4. Also, the entire story could be considered suggestive but not quite smut, so, warned.

"You did this to me!" Clementine screamed through her gritted teeth, squeezing Violet's hand as hard as possible, "I hate you!"

Violet winced in pain, holding her breath until Clementine's grip loosened. "To be fair," Violet said shaking her hand out and wiping Clementine's head with a wet cloth, "A doctor did this to you."

Clementine sent Violet her most piercing glare, usually reserved for her greatest of enemies, like Minerva for example.

"You are so right Clem," Violet shuddered under her gaze, she leaned down and kissed her sweaty forehead, "This is all my fault. I did this to you. I am so sorry."

Clementine allowed herself to relax into her pillow, closing her eyes, a small smile of victory on her face. Violet climbed onto the small hospital bed next to her wife as she snuggled into Violet's side, enjoying the moment of peace while it lasted.

Soon Clementine was emitting small snores and Violet knew she had finally succumbed to sleep. Violet grinned as she stroked her fingers through the brunette's curly locks, it had been a long night.

1AM, approximately 12 hours earlier

Clementine was rolling from one side to the other, trying desperately to find a comfortable position.

"Is everything alright?" Violet asked groggily, rolling over to face Clementine.

"You try strapping a giant beach ball that weighs 30lbs to your stomach and tell me how you sleep..." Clementine pouted, rolling again to face away from the blonde.

Violet scooted close and wrapped an arm around Clementine, sliding a hand under her shirt to rub her belly. "He's always so active at night." Violet grinned as she nuzzled her head into Clementine's hair, feeling the baby wiggle around. "I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable. Thank you for doing this for us. You are amazing." Violet started placing soft kisses along Clementine's neck.

"Vi... I'm over 40 weeks pregnant. I'm huge and uncomfortable and I just want to sleep laying on my stomach again." Clementine whined.

"Who said anything about sleep?" Violet continued placing kisses up her jawline, stopping to suck lightly.

"How can you find me attractive right now??" Clementine asked, arching her neck to allow Violet clearer access.

"Because you are Clementine." Violet said as her hand traveled southward. "Um... Clem... not to make you feel bad or anything but... uh, did the baby kick you in the bladder like really hard... because..."

Clementine sat up with great effort, looking over at the blonde, "Violet, I think my water broke."

"Your water broke?" Violet froze.

"My water broke." Clementine nodded in confirmation.

Violet stood up and paced around the bedroom. "Okay... right... we have to get to the hospital... the bags... where did we put the hospital bags??" Clementine held one hand on her stomach, using the other hand to help push herself off of the bed, Violet rushed to her side, putting an arm around her waist and helping her walk. "How do you feel? Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm okay for now," Clementine waved Violet away, "The hospital bags are in the coat closet, I'm going to change out of these wet clothes, will you change the bed sheets before we leave?"

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