Room 201

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Violet scooped Luke off the ground, running to catch up with Clementine who was swearing as she angrily shoved towels into the beach bag. Violet hated how Clementine could go from mad to sad back to mad in under a second. Dealing with her when she was in one of these moods was always a precarious situation.

"What are you doing Clem? I thought you wanted to have dinner on the beach, you packed sandwiches..." Violet said, watching as Clementine grabbed the picnic basket and dumped the contents onto the sand. "Maybe you can share it with Minnie" Clementine spat, taking Luke from her arms and walking towards the hotel. Violet watched as her wife awkwardly stomped through the soft sand until she walked over the dunes and out of sight.

Violet looked back at the mess on the sand. Some family vacation this was turning out to be. She knelt down frustrated and began picking the scattered food off the beach, throwing the sandy packages back into the basket.

"Quite the temper... I don't know why you let her treat you that way." Minerva knelt down next to Violet, one hand holding an ice pack to her face, the other she used to help Violet pick up packages. Violet noticed as Minerva brushed her bare arm against hers and quickly scooted over.

"That level of anger is reserved only for you." Violet sighed, grabbing the towels Clementine had crammed in the bag and started folding them neatly before returning them. She pulled her t-shirt back on and stood. Minerva standing with her. "Where's Sophie?"

"She went up to the pool." Minerva answered, eyeing Violet as she bent over to pick up the loaded down beach bag as well as her and Clementine's forgotten flip flops. "Need help?"

"No, I got it." Violet sighed, walking to the hotel. Minerva followed. Violet knew she shouldn't still be talking to Minerva, that Clementine would be furious if she found out, but she didn't know how to shake her without being rude.

"I could at least carry the flip flops until we reach the pool deck." Minerva reached for the shoes, only to have Violet move them out of her reach.

"Clem won't want to wear them anymore if you touch them, sorry." Violet said, only partially joking.

Minerva shrugged, pulling the ice pack away from her cheek, "What's her deal anyway?" They had reached the pool deck, Violet set the bag down and rinsed her feet and shoes off at a little knee high spout.

"What do you mean 'what's her deal?'" Violet asked, scowling as she slipped her flip flops on, "She's not fond of you is her 'deal', she's not so quick to forgive people that have hurt me, my Clem." Violet smiled at the last part. Thinking of how protective Clementine was of her. How she would give the very hat off her head to keep the sun out of Violet's face, even though it would mean her having to squint into the sun herself.

"That was years ago. Shouldn't she get over that by now? I was dumb back then, weren't we all?" Minerva shrugged, "For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

"Clementine wasn't dumb, she was always nice to me, even when I was dating you and her heart was broken. Which she didn't let me know about until after by the way. She never once tried to break us up." Violet smiled at the memory of Clementine confessing her feelings to her. Minerva had stood her up for the dance, never had Violet felt happier to be stood up for something. Clementine pulled her outside of the gym, letting her cry into her shoulder until she calmed down and then she did it. She told her that she loved her, that she had for a long time and the next thing she knew, they were dancing together outside of the gym, where no one else could see. Just the two of them together, best friends, becoming something more.

Violet was about to pick up the beach bag and move up to the room, but Minerva grabbed her arm and whispered in her ear, stopping her dead in her tracts. "Sophie and I have separate rooms, I'm in 201, in case you get tired of playing house for one night. You've gotta be getting bored of the same old thing afte-"

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