it's a bird, it's a plane, it's... a private jet

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"You alright there Clem?" Violet asked, sticking her and her wife's luggage in the over head compartment, knowing her wife was not okay before she even asked. All their friends and family members were boarding a very large private jet bound for the white sandy beaches of the gulf of Mexico.

There were three seats in each row. Luke sat next to the window, Clementine was in the middle and Violet was going to sit on the aisle seat. The twins were currently sitting on their very grumpy mama's lap.

"How can you be mad? We're in a private jet, we know almost everyone here, so if the twins start screaming we don't have to feel so bad." Violet closed the compartment and sat down in the seat next to Clementine, "And we're going to the beach! The twins first real vacation!" Violet tried to act excited, her face dropping when Clementine glared daggers at her.

"Yes, a beach with Minerva... again. What a dream come true." Clementine rolled her eyes hard, making Violet cringe slightly, "And this wasn't supposed to be happening for months but because Minerva had to go get herself knocked up, Sophie had to move up the wedding! It's like the whole freaking world revolves around Minerva."

"Sophie's not even mad, I don't know why you are." Violet lifted the arm rest between them and wrapped an arm around Clementine's shoulders, pulling her head onto her chest before Clementine could glare at her again, "Let's not talk about Minerva anymore."

"I didn't want to talk about Minerva to begin with..." Clementine grumbled into Violet's chest. The blonde held back a smile and pet her wife on the head.

"There, there, Clem."

"Don't patronize me." Clementine grumped as the twins patted her face, smooshing kisses against her cheeks in an attempt to cheer her up. Luke stared out the window, happily watching the people walking around on the tarmac prepping the jet for it's flight.

Violet couldn't help but chuckle at Clementine's childish behavior. Though it was somewhat understandable. The plans were changed last minute and it was no easy task to prepare and pack for everyone in the time allotted. Not to mention she took any chance possible to bash on Minerva.

"I hate her." Clementine mumbled, just as Lee and Carley walked down the aisle.

"Ooooo, they're awake!" Carley cooed as Kaylee began reaching out for her, "Can we take them for a while, we're just a couple rows behind you girls."

"Yes, please and thank you!" Violet took hold of Kaylee and passed her over to Carley before grabbing Milli and handing her off to Lee. They grabbed the diaper bag from Violet and walked back to their seats with the twins, Marissa coming up behind them.

"I can take Luke, if you two want some peace for a while?" Marissa offered, noting the sour look on Clementine's face.

"That'd be great, thanks mom." Violet stood to pick up Luke, he wailed out as he was removed from the window he had been gazing out of until he saw his grandma standing in front of him.

"'wissa!" Luke cheered, eagerly going to her.

"Want to sit with me Luke?" Marissa asked.

"'es!" He cheered, allowing her to carry him a couple rows in front of his moms.

Violet waited until her mom was gone, she lowered her voice, "So... once this thing takes off, do you want to meet me in the back by the bathrooms? We could join the mile high club." Violet waggled her eyebrows as Clementine looked up into her face with a sigh.

"I'm not really in the mood for that..." Clementine looked back down, snuggling her head deeper into her wife's chest.

"Let's see if I can't get you in the mood with a story, hm?" Violet kissed the top those brown curls she loved so much, "Once upon a time there was a girl, a girl that was so in love that she knew with all her heart that she was ready to get married..."

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