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Clementine hurried to finish up her work for the day, typing hurriedly on her computer, inputting records and finishing up some last minute tasks. Clementine was wearing purple scrubs, her favorite color, even before she met Violet. She worked as a Physical Therapist at a facility near the hospital. The hours could be long, often it required her to travel to the hospital to see patients that were unable to make the small trip to the facility. It was a hassle, but the therapy company she worked for had a contract with the hospital, which they threatened to not renew if they didn't basically do whatever the hospital wanted whenever they wanted. It was money the small business couldn't afford to lose.

Clementine sighed as she punched in her last bit of information and signed out for the day, smiling brightly as she packed her bag.  Today was her and Violet's 6 year anniversary, Brody said she would stay as late as they wanted so they could go to a nice dinner and maybe see a play at a local theater.

Just as Clementine reached the door, her boss called after her, "Are you leaving Clementine?" Clementine paused, she wanted to pretend she hadn't heard, to just keep walking and not look back, but she turned with a smile. 'What does it look like I'm doing?' came to her mind but she didn't say it.

"I was. Violet and I have plans tonight." 'Please don't ask me to visit a patient before I go, pleeeeeease', her head pleaded as she continued to force a smile.

"Is there any way you could run by the hospital on your way home? Emergency room discharge, person was in a car wreck, serious arm damage, they are refusing to be admitted but it could mean a new client for us. You wouldn't need to do anything, just give them our information." her boss explained, she hated how Lilly always made it seem like she had an option, a choice, but when she asked her to do something, she really meant 'go do this thing or I will make your life miserable'.

"Of course, I'll run by the ER on my way home, give them my card." Clementine said.

"We all know speaking face to face to our referrals gets more clients recruited." Lilly smiled as Clementine turned, leaving the building with a glare. Lilly called after her, "Thanks Clementine, you're a team player." As soon as Clementine got into her car she texted Violet.

Me: Have to run by the hospital, going to be late, sorry :(

MyVi: I was just about to text you. Brody went home sick. We can just go out this weekend

Me: Nooo, it has to be today, today is our anniversary, not this weekend

MyVi: uuuuugghhhh, I don't know why you have to celebrate on the actual day, it doesn't matter

Me: It matters to me...

MyVi: Fine... I'll see if I can get Lee or Louis or somebody

Me: You're the best wife ever! Definitely my favorite ;)

MyVi: -_-

Clementine shoved her phone in her bag and drove up to the hospital. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long, she could just introduce herself, hand out a business card and leave. Parking was always awful at the hospital, especially in the evenings when everyone was getting off work and coming to visit loved ones. After parking a ridiculous distance away, she walked into the ER, smiling when she saw Ruby behind the counter.

"Happy Anniversary Sug!" Ruby yelled when she saw her. "How many years has it been?"

"Six!" Clementine was happy she at least got to see a friendly face.

"Not too shabby, how's that boy doin'?" Ruby asked, typing on her computer as she talked. "I see we have a car crash victim flagged for a PT referral."

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