Congratulations! It's a-

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"Home sweet home!" Violet grinned, unpacking the last box as she sat in the middle of the living room. Her living room. Well, the living room of her and Clementine's new house. Kaylee squealed beside her on the floor, twisting her head, rolling from her stomach to her back so that she could look up at her mom, "I know Kays, I'm happy to be in our own home again too, instead of that stuffy old mansion!"

"Hey!" Louis glared, "This is what I get for letting your live with me for weeks? This is how you repay me for coming over here to help you put together stupid IKEA furniture all day? If this is the thanks I get-" He dramatically threw down his screw driver and picked up his jacket.

Violet rolled her eyes, "Clem's going to be back with pizza any minute now, you're not going anywhere."

Louis 'hmph'd' and threw his jacket back onto the couch before laying on his stomach on the floor beside Kaylee, "Hey hey Kay-kay!" he grinned at the small girl as she reached towards him, giggling when he shook his dreads in front of her face, "Where's Millipillar?" he asked as Violet stood and started putting their things in the appropriate places, including the new bookcase Louis had just assembled.

"She was being grumpy so Sophie went to rock her to see if she could get her to nap, that's been a while ago though." Violet said, looking over at the clock, having lost track of time as she worked.

Louis tickled Kaylee's belly and then hopped off the ground, "I'll go check on her." He left the room and climbed up the staircase. Milli's door was slightly ajar, he peeked in, seeing his soon to be wife sleeping in the rocking chair, feet propped up on a foot rest. When he pushed the door open to enter, the slight noise had Milli's head popping off Sophie's shoulder so she could look around at Louis. Her face was expressionless as she looked at him.

He reached forward, aiming to take the not napping baby from his napping fiance to let her rest but the closer he got to her the less neutral Milli's face became and the deeper her frown. Louis held a finger to his lips, 'shshing' her quietly, but when he saw her bottom lip trembling he knew it would only be a matter of seconds before she started to wail.

Louis made up his mind in a split second decision. He snatched the baby from Sophie's arms and held her to his chest. He ran out of the room like he was carrying a ticking time bomb, just hoping he could make it down the hallway before it exploded. He made it halfway down the staircase before a piercing cry erupted from the usually quiet Milli's mouth.

"What on earth are you doing to my precious?" Clementine glared, standing at the door with Luke on one hip, cane in her opposite hand. 

"Precious?!" Louis looked doubtful, "Kaylee and I get along great, but Milli hates me and I don't know why!"

"She's got good sense, that's why." Violet took Milli from Louis's arms, the girl immediately silenced her wail, quieting to a sniffle with the occasional hiccup, as she clung to Violet's shirt, trying to calm herself down.

"That's why she doesn't like me! You tell her things like that. Babies understand more than you think!" Louis said in an accusatory voice, "Who knows what you say to her when I'm not around!"

"Fiiiiine, I'm sorry Lou," Violet held Milli up in front of her face so they could see each other eye to eye. Her hair was pulled up into one pony on the very top of her head, curls twirling out of it in all directions. Violet found it impossible to keep a serious face, "Now listen here little missy. Louis is a good dude, we like him. Got it?" Milli's quiet sniffles slowed and her face returned to a neutral position.

Clementine still stood by the door, she sat Luke down on the ground and turned to head back outside. Violet noticed and jogged after her, "I'll get the pizza, you hold Milli." Violet handed the small girl over, Clementine took her with both hands and rested Milli on her shoulder.

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