you and me

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Clementine entered the house from the garage, "I'm home!" She called out, kicking off her shoes and dropping her bag by the door before heading through the kitchen. Carley was inside, sitting on the couch, reading a book. She closed it and looked up when Clementine entered.

"All three of them are taking a nap."

"You are a-maz-ing! I hope they were well behaved." Clementine said as Carley rose from the couch and hugged her in greeting.

"They were angels. As always." Carley assured, "I'm so glad you asked me to do this, I just love seeing my grandbabies every day!"

"I'm glad you're able to do it. Brody needed a full time job and now that I'm only working half days she needed to find something else. Thanks for helping out Carley."

"Anything for you and those sweeties, dear." Carley kissed Clementine on the cheek and began to gather her purse and other items she had brought with her. "I've just been bored since retirement anyway, I'm happy to help." Carley slid on her shoes at the door, "Do you have any fun weekend plans?"

"I'm going to take Vi out tonight. We never really celebrated our eight year anniversary with the twins and all. I thought I'd surprise her since she's always doing nice things for me." Clementine explained, leaning her back against the nearby wall.

"Why didn't you ask me to babysit?" Carley stood up straight, looking offended. Clementine's eyes widened.

"You're here every day, I didn't want to take advantage... So I..." Clementine wondered if she should lie, but she knew Carley would find out somehow anyway, she let the truth slip from her lips, "I asked Marissa to watch them."

"Marissa??" Carley sounded shocked, "I don't mind watching them, I love them." she insisted, "You can tell her she doesn't have to come, I'll just stay. No need to hassle her when I'm already here." Clementine took in a deep calming breath. She had wanted to have a little time to rest and get ready before Violet got home...

"I know you don't mind, and I appreciate it, really... you know I trust you with my babies more than anyone..." Clementine tried to explain herself to Carley without insulting the woman. She really was very kind to watch the kids every weekday morning for them. Never accepting any payment in return, "but Marissa was really looking forward to seeing the kids, I can't tell her not to come now."

"Alright... I hope you have a wonderful evening Clem, you two deserve it." Carley put her hand on the doorknob, looking serious, "Let me know if anything changes, I'll be here if you need me."

"I'm sure we'll be fine, thank you though." Clementine tried to smile as politely as possible as Carley opened the door and exited the house. Clementine waved and closed the door behind her, leaning against it and letting out a sigh of relief. She wanted to shower before the kids woke up from their nap so that she could be ready to go when Violet got home from work.


Violet walked into the house stretching after a long day at the office. She was ready for the weekend, no work to worry about, just her and her family. Speaking of family, where were they? No one was in the kitchen, which was odd for this time of day. Clementine was usually getting things ready for dinner. Violet walked into the living room, no one was in there either. "Clem?" Violet called out down the hallway, slightly concerned since she had seen Clementine's car in the garage and knew she should be home.

When Violet reached her bedroom her concerns fell away as she heard noises coming through the closed door. She pressed her ear against it, listening to Clementine's voice float through the thin material.

"'Come with me Mr. Bird' said the mouse 'I'll show you what there is in a people house.'" Violet heard Clementine reading, she smiled as Luke attempted to read along. It was his favorite book and he asked for them to read it to him multiple times a day. Unable to wait any longer to greet her family, Violet pushed open the the door and threw her hands in the air.

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