Christmas (part 2)

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A/N: Yes I drew the pic at the top, yes I know it's awful but it's the best I can do! Trust me, I wish I could draw better. Late Merry Christmas from the Moms children.

"Mama Mommy Mama Mommy!" Luke yelled cheerfully, pushing open the door to his Moms' bedroom, bright and early on Christmas morning, "Hohoho come?"

Clementine squinted to see her son. Light from the hallway pierced through the darkness of their bedroom, stabbing her eyes. She managed to pry open her lids in time to see her son climbing up onto the bed, "Morning Luke, Merry Christmas!" Clementine pulled him into a hug, kissing his face.

Violet stirred beside her, blinking the bleariness from her eyes, ready to join in the hugs before she realized that she felt a little... freer beneath the covers than usual. Peaking under the blankets, eyes widening, she pulled the blanket back down around her neck.

Clementine didn't seem to notice Violet's panic as she glanced at the clock on her nightstand, "It's early still Luke, snuggle with me and Mommy for a little while and get some more sleep." The brunette started to lift the blanket for Luke to crawl under but Violet was quick to shoot an arm out and hold it down.

"But Santa brought presents! We should open presents!" Violet exclaimed, causing Clementine to glare at her, Luke cheered excitedly.

"Maybe Santa hasn't come yet since it's only 5am." Clementine emphasized, tugging at the blankets, "We should go back to sleep just in case."

Violet held the blanket down hard and looked Clementine straight in the eye, "I'm pretty sure Santa came last night. He was probably exhausted from the night's activities and fell asleep exposed."

"Huh?" Clementine looked confused at the mention of an exhausted Santa, she glanced at her wife who held the covers securely around her torso and raised her eyebrows. Violet looked pointedly from the blankets to Clementine and back, "Oh!" Clementine set Luke on the ground, "Let's do presents, Luke, go wake up your sisters."

"Yay! Pwesents!" Luke scampered out of the room to wake the twins.

"You slept naked? On Christmas Eve??" Clementine asked as soon as Luke was gone, raising the blankets to get a look for herself. Violet loosened her grip and allowed it to be lifted.

"I didn't mean to, I just wanted to close my eyes and bask in the ecstasy that you put me in. Next thing I knew, Luke's trying to climb into bed with us." Violet stood, quickly pulling on some pajama pants and a sweatshirt as Clementine watched in amusement, "The real question here is, how did you not notice I was naked last night?"

"I went to shower after and then got dressed. Came to bed, you were so snuggled in the blankets that all I could see was your face. I just assumed you had already put your clothes back on. I kissed you on the cheek and went to sleep." Clementine explained, getting out of bed as well, "Don't try and blame this on me. We could have slept an extra couple of hours if it wasn't for your nakedness." She grumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Hey, you like my nakedness."

"I do... but I like sleep more." Clementine yawned.

Violet looked very offended, "Take that back."

"Nuh uh." Clementine said tauntingly as she walked towards the door, wondering what was taking Luke so long to come back, especially since he couldn't get the girls out of their cribs on his own. Violet wrapped her arms around her waist before she could get very far.

"Take it back." Violet whispered in her ear.

"Sleep is greater than all!" Clementine declared, holding up her hand, pointing her index finger, as if stating a fact.

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