Bite Me| Nayeon

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Nayeon's arms wrapped around their S/O's waist, she nuzzled more into their neck smelling their scent. Their breathing slow and methodical, it was the only time they weren't too shy with their skinship or shy in general. They turned in their sleep, their face inches from Nayeon's.

They nuzzled closer to Nayeon, their face in the crook of her neck. Nayeon pulled them closer, kissing the crown of their head.

"Mhm, Hi nayeon." They slowly sat up rubbing their eyes. Nayeon leaned forward biting their shoulder gently and laying her head onto them. They blushed hard, laying their head on top of hers.

"Hi baby. You sleep well?" She brushed her face against them. She turned her head and bit their shoulder again cutely.

"Hm, great. Especially when I'm with you." They turned their head to hide their blushing face.

Nayeon smiled widely and bit their shoulder again, "Aww, you're so cute."

"Stop~ Why do you keep biting me?" Their hands covering their face.

"Its my form of affection and I love you." She moved their hands from their face and kissed them softly. They melted into the kiss and kissed her back. She pulled back, "Does it bother you?"

"N-n-no. I just get a little embarrassed when you do that." They shifted over and held her hands.

"Don't be worried about it. I love you and I show my love for you with little bites." She kissed their shoulder and hugged them. They leaned into it and Nayeon pulled them down onto the bed. They both decided to stay and cuddle in bed.

The rest of the day was filled with cuddles, 'I love you's', and shoulder bites.

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