You Deserve Better|Part 1|

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The coffee slowly radiated its heat into your hand as you were walking down the block making your way to work. You worked as a producer bouncing around from entertainment companies. None of them really had your interest although some really wanted it. You just saw it as a job, it pays your bills and lets you buy your 7$ coffee from Starbucks every other day. You were particularly moderate on how much you liked work as a producer.

Continuing down the sidewalk weaving between the people passing you, the JYP entertainment building became increasingly more visible. Pushing through the double glass doors, your pace increased to reach the elevator before anyone decided to talk to you.

Turning your head to see if any elevators were heading down, someone crashed into you. Knocking you down and spilling 7$ worth of coffee over your entire outfit. There goes my day.

"Sorry! I should've seen where I was going." A cutely higher pitched voice spoke. Slowly rising from crashing on top of you. The girl stood and held her hand out to attempt to help you up. Reluctantly you took her hand, internally thinking about how soft and small it was.

"It's fine," you looked down and stared at the coffee slowly beginning to stain your outfit. The girl stared at you, a look of guilt crossed her face.

"No it's not! I ruined your outfit and wasted your coffee. I'll buy you another one, it's the least I could do for kinda tripping into you." She quickly suggests and begins to search for what she believes would be enough for a new one. Looking at her, you begin to notice how beautiful she is. Her dark eyes and hair distracted you as she clumsily looked around for her wallet.

"What's your name?" You asked, quickly her head shot up and looked at you. You held your hand out, waiting for her to shake your hand.

"Sana. Minatozaki Sana." She introduced herself and took your hand softly shaking it once and letting go. "What's yours?" She asked.

"Y\N. Park Y\N."

~earlier that morning~

"Sana!" Jihyo yelled. "It's 6 in the morning! Get up!"

Groggily, Sana sat up and began to get ready. After taking a shower, getting dressed, and getting all of her makeup done. Her and the 8 other members of Twice headed out to their van heading to JYP to start working in a new album.

"Do you think it's possible to become a mermaid?" Sana overheard two of the youngest, Dahyun and Chaeyoung, and their weird questions. Even early in the morning they're still weird. Not really wanting to hear more of their conversation, Sana plugged in her headphones and put a playlist on shuffle.

As she stared out the window, her thoughts drifting, the van slowly approached their destination. When the doors open and the members left the van to head inside, Sana decided to wander a bit through the building. Passing through corridors passing by the elevators she looked out the giant darkened glass windows, seeing traffic flow by.

Until she ran into someone.

"Sorry! I should've seen where I was going." She spoke. Picking herself from the person underneath her. She held her hand out deciding that maybe the person needed help after having their head hit against the tiles of the floor. She looked at the person as they slowly took her hand and got up.

"It's fine," the surprisingly tall person reassured, looking down at their outfit. Sana looked at the person in front of her, beginning to feel guilty for ruining the way they look.

"No it's not! I ruined your outfit and wasted your coffee. I'll buy you another one, it's the least I could do for kinda tripping into you." She was upset with herself. Now where's my wallet. She thought while her hands grazed her pants pockets for her wallet.

"What's your name?" The tall person asked, quickly  she shot her head up and looked at them as they stare at her. They held their hand out, waiting for her to grasp their hand.

"Sana. Minatozaki Sana." She introduced herself and grasped their hand softly shaking it. "What's yours?" She asked.

"Y\N. Park Y\N."

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