You Deserve Better |Part 3|

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The members and Y/N had been the studio for a good couple hours. They were begin to get ready to record when Y/N stood up. "Alright, I have another song written. I have to go into the booth for the practice track so, I need one of you to help out on this end." Y/N  finished.

"I'll do it!" Chaeyoung stood up raising their hand. "I've worked on these before."

"Great, I don't have to explain it then. I'll head in now." Y/N  moved to the booth placing the sheets on the podium and placing the headphones on. "I'm ready, start the track couple seconds before singing."

"Alrighty." Chaeyoung confirmed pushing the buttons needed.

The sound track began playing throughout the room. A summer-like beat took over the group ears, but even more so when Y/N  began singing. (The song is Dance the Night Away.)

To Sana, their voice was captivating. Their voice was deeper than most especially for the groups vocals, but it still sounded amazing to hear. The other members seemed to agree, their movements halted and they stopped to listen to them sing.

"They're better than I thought." Dahyun thought aloud. The other members bobbed their heads in agreement.

The song finished and Y/N  stepped out of the booth, the members eyes focused on them. "What is it?" Y/N  looked confused looking around them to see what's wrong.

"You're a great singer, Why aren't you in a group or an idol?" Mina asked.

Y/N scratched the back of their neck, "Well, I was one. But, ah...something changed...I guess."

"What happened?"

"I, uh, wasn't really liked in my group by fans and such. The company asked me to disband from the save the image and such." Y/N  said their face saddened.

"Why did they ask you to leave?" Chaeyoung said.

"I...I'm uh Bi and I was dating someone of the same sex." Y/N  stuttered.


"Yeah, I'd rather not talk about it anymore." Y/N  sharply spoke quickly moving back to their seat working on their work again. The members moved back to their work, no questioning their reasons for their answer.

They continued on their work, reaching a good stopping point Y/N  pulled them out of working."I think that's a good point to stop. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Y/N bowed and left.

"They left very quickly." Jeongyeon pointed out.

"Yeah, I hope we didn't make them uncomfortable with our questions." Mina sadly spoke.

"They're kinda cute." Momo smiled thinking back to them.

"Yeah,they are." Jihyo and Nayeon agreed.

"Hey, Sana?" I turned around to look at Jihyo, "Didn't you say you ran into them earlier?"

"Uh, yeah I did on accident. I spilled their coffee on them as well." I spoke shyly.

"Haha Good job Sana." Jeongyeon chuckled.

"I kept on staring at them and apologizing. I feel awkward." I spoke, the blush on my face becoming more evident. God, they were so attractive. They looked so nice in their outfit, before I ruined it. Their voice is so nice and calming. I wish I-

"Sana? What are you thinking there?" Chaeyoung smirked.

"I-uh-nothing!" I replied quickly.

"You were thinking of Y/N weren't you?" Tzuyu added on.

"N-N-no." I stuttered.

"You got a crush on them don't you?" Dahyun teased.

"0o0o0ooooo..." The members teased.

I sigh, This is gonna be great.

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