Such A Tease| Mina

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"Stop~" You covered your face to keep your blushing face from being too visible.

"No, why would I? You're so cute~" Mina comes over and hugs your waist.

"Stop teasing me." You pouted turning to face your girfriend.

"Pouting just makes you cuter. My girlfriend so cute." She smiles moving to hug you again.

You sigh in defeat, "You're never going to stop teasing me are you?"

"Of course I'm not going to stop teasing my cute girlfriend." She pulled you with her to cuddle on the couch.

"I'm not cute."

"To me you are, and that's all that really matters." Mina retorted.

You've always been really shy and guarded. Although Mina seems to be the same way, she's always been your safe haven and the one to bring you out of your shell a little more ever since you became her girlfriend. Even if she teases you along the way. Usually, the comments Mina makes wouldn't affect you as much as it does, but its more of the fact is that you know she means every word of what she says.

"Why do you enjoy teasing me so much?" Youve always wondered why, she's done it so long in your relationship. There must be a reason why she does.

"Well...the reaction. Seeing you smile and get all shy makes me feel like you're forgetting anything that makes you sad. I enjoy making you happy and smiling. I guess I just do it to make you happy and show how much I love you." She holds your hand rubbing small circles onto your skin, "I hate seeing you sad, and the only way I know to cheer you up is with terrible pick-up lines and cheesy one-liners."

You're heart beamed at her words, "I never thought of it that way. I love you too, you know. Even if I'm too shy to do the same thing."

"Don't worry, I've got enough teasing for the both of us." She smiles at you doing terrible finger guns causing you to laugh.

You move closer to her and peck her on the lips, "I love you."

"I do too," She begins to move off the couch suspiciously. "Also, you're the cutest thing ever." She says while running off causing you to follow her blushing.

"Hey! Get back here! Stop calling me cute~" You run a few steps behind her.


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