You Deserve Better |Part 2|

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After the incident of spilled coffee and several rushed apologies. You made your way into the elevator and slumped slightly against the steel wall. You watched as the number for the floor slowly increased until it reached the number you were watching for. Once it reached the 5th floor, the doors opened and you exited rather quickly walking to your studio to work on a new album for a girl group that JYP assigned you. Why didn't he just tell me the name of the group? That'd help me figure out their concepts and the lyrics.

Turning on the main monitor, you sat down and stared at the screen as it began to boot up. Who's this Sana character? She spent our entire conversation apologizing and staring at me. The computer's startup sound rang out telling you that it is finally finished. Quickly, you sank yourself in your work. Trying to get this album completed by its deadline.

After a couple minutes of working, Y\N's phone began to rang. The caller sign showed JYP's name.

"Hello?" You answered unsure of why he was calling all of a sudden.

"Hello, Y\N. Can you to come down to the main floor? The group you're working for is here and I wanted to introduce you to them." JYP finished.

"Of course. I'll head down there now," they both shared their goodbyes and ended the call. Y\N slowly rose from their seat and headed to meet the group they're working with.

Once Y\N got on the elevator, Sana walked back to her group sitting towards the front talking among each other.

"Sana? Where were you?" Jihyo questioned, she noticed earlier when Sana decided to go off on her own.

"I-I walked off, I got a little side-tracked and ran into Y\N." Sana still felt slightly guilty about running into you.

"Y\N? Who's that? I've never heard of them." Jihyo crooked her head to the side confused at this mysterious Y\N person.

"Oh, I ju-"

"Okay girls!" JYP interrupted, "The preparations for your newest album are almost completed, but you guys have to begin recording on the songs. One of my producers have been extensively working on your album. You're going to personally meet the producer." As if on cue, the producer turned the corner and walked next to JYP and bowed.

"Girls, this is Y\N your producer. Y\N, this is Twice." JYP introduced.

"Hello, I'm Y\N, and I will be your main producer for this album." Y\N's eyes searched the 9 girl in front of them. Upon noticing Sana, their look of indifference turned to surprise.

Y\N is our producer? I'm screwed. Sana thought as she avoided looking at them.

"I'll lead you to my studio and recording room to get this album sorted out." Y\N turned to lead the way into the elevator. Sana waited towards the back avoiding them.

"Is that the Y\N you were talking about?" Jihyo whispered as to not get their attention or those of the other members.

"Yeah, I spilled their coffee all over their clothes.." Sana's voice grew quieter as she spoke. The elevator opened ending their conversation quickly. Sana was pushed up against Y\N since the elevator was packed with 11 people. She worked hard to avoid eye contact with the tall producer.

After a short ride, Y\N left the elevator showing them to their studio.

"Okay, this is my studio. The recording room is over there," Y\N said pointing towards a door. "I currently finished 4 songs, you guys can start working for the vocals for that. I'll continue on the other songs, let's start with the first one. Before that though, what are your names?"

"That's Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, and I'm Jihyo" Jihyo pointed to the corresponding member as she talked.

"Okay, nice to meet you all. Here's the lyrics for the first song," Y\N passed out the lyrics and suggested lines for each member, attempting to keep the line distribution equal for every member.

"This song I was thinking of keeping it more bubbly and happy. Which is similar to most of your songs anyways. You guys can study the lyrics and what you think would be good for the rhythm." Y\N sat down and looked towards the screen, pressing on the song's instrumentals. "This is what it sounds like, I'll leave you to study them."

Sana stared at Y\N, she didn't really think that she would have to be around them constantly for the next week or so. I really wish I didn't trip them over. This wouldn't be as awkward!

She continue looking at their features as she did when they first "met", and thought, this is going to be difficult.

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