15 | trust me

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The voice in her head pulled her out of her dream filled sleep early that morning. She didn't get startled this time. Instead, she sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before turning unconsciously towards the window where a beetle blade was sitting, it's bright red eyes staring right at her.

Someone was watching her.

You can't tell Newt about me.

This time Anne actually used her brain instead of completely freaking out. It was a male voice and it probably belonged to a boy around her age, though she couldn't be too sure. It almost sounded like the boy was being as quiet as possible as though someone might hear him whispering in her head. It was either that or he was trying not to scare her like he did the previous night.

Trust me. You shouldn't tell anyone. It'll ruin everything.

Anne turned her eyes back towards the beetle blade sitting on her window ledge. If she wasn't going crazy, then the boy talking to her was watching her through the camera on the small me hanical creature. She remembered Newt telling her about them being spies for the people who sent them to the maze.

"Who are you?" Anne asked as softly as possible. She didn't want someone catching her talking to a beetle blade.

I'm sorry. But I can't tell you that.

"Then what can you tell me?" Anne asked. "And why can't I tell anyone about you?"

You can't tell anyone because they'll think you're crazy. I think you know that. As for your other question... Trust your instincts. When it's time to run, run.

Anne frowned, confused. What was that supposed to mean? When it's time to run, run? That made no sense. Why would she need to run?

It'll make sense later. Just trust me and trust your gut. You'll know when the time comes.

And like a wire had snapped in her brain, the boys presence was gone, just like that. It was like he was there one second and completely disappeared the next, leaving her feeling extremely empty and lonely.

"Hey, you're up early."

Anne whirled around to find Newt standing by her door. She hadn't even heard him come in. "You need to stop doing that."

"Doing what?" Newt asked.

"Walking in randomly," Anne said, grabbing a towel and some clothes. "It's freaking me out."

Newt mumbled a quick sorry as he stepped out of the way to let her walk out of the room. But he did stare after her, wondering why she was being a bit odd. Something was clearly bothering her. He could see that very clearly.

Once Anne was done in the bathroom, she had breakfast and quickly headed to work, keeping herself busy so that she wouldn't have to think about the thousands of things that were bouncing around in her head. But it wasn't that easy to keep the thoughts at bay. Especially since she couldn't share them with anyone. Anne didn't know why she was trusting some random voice in her head that was telling her things that made absolutely no sense. What she did know was that she for some reason did because that voice, that person, his presence, it all felt just a tiny bit familiar and that freaked her out even more.

Gally's screams from the next room had become a constant thing that they had all somehow managed to get used to over the hours of work. Anne noticed that she wasn't th eonly one who kept themselves busy. Everyone worked non stop. If they weren't patching someone up, they were cleaning something or rearranging or looking for something. Even Lincoln didn't sit down for a second.

Clint left a few minutes after lunch to attend a Gathering that was being held in order to discuss what to do with Gally once he woke up. Anne wondered for a second why they waited until midday to hold the Gathering until Lincoln pointed out that Minho was a keeper and that they ahd to wait for him in order to make a decision. And the earliest time at which a Runner would return from the Maze was after lunch.

Wishful Thinking | Newt [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now