14 | screams at night

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Gally's screams kept her up all night.

Anne rolled over in her bed, pulling her pillow from underneath her head to cover her ears with it. It didn't help at all. The horrible screams coming from upstairs were much too loud to be muffled by a pillow.

Anne could still remember watching a very tired Minho half dragging and half carrying an unconscious Gally into the Glade. She might have been clueless about what was going on, but no one else was. While Clint, Jeff and Lincoln quickly rushed to help Gally, the rest of the boys hurried to move away from him as if he had a contagious disease which they were all afraid they would catch. Lincoln was the one who told a clueless Anne that Gally had gotten stung after his crazy run into the Glade. The Keeper of the Builders had been lucky Minho had found him. Otherwise he would have gotten stuck out in the Maze and no one survived a night out there.

Anne sat up when another scream came from upstairs, making her jump. She wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. She wondered whether anyone else would either. She ran a hand through her dark hair, pushing it away from her face before dropping her head into her hands.

Can you hear me?

Anne jumped and scrambled away from her bed, eyes wide when she heard the whisper. It sounded so close to her ear that she could almost feel the persons breath against her skin. But the problem was that no one was there.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, just-

Anne jumped again and this time and involuntary scream left her lips. She clapped a hand over her mouth just as she screamed. It was already bad enough that Gally was screaming and probably keeping half the Glade up. She didn't need to annoy the boys too.

A small knock on the door was the only warning she got before a group of boys burst into her room. Nick was the first, followed by a sleepy looking Alby and Newt.

"What happened?" Nick asked worriedly, his eyes sweeping over the room for any signs of danger.

Anne's eyes were wide as she struggled tot hunk of an excuse. She could exactly tell them she was hearing voices in her head now could she. Her eyes found Newt's and it took only a second for Newt to see the fear in them.

"Nothing," Anne answered. "Just a bit... Freaked out I guess."

Alby nodded and walked right out of the room, mumbling something Anne couldn't hear. Newt and Nick stayed back. Nick had a look of pity on his face while Newt looked both suspicious and worried. Anne had a feeling she was going to have to explain herself.

"Sorry to wake you up," Anne mumbled, feeling guilty.

Nick juts shook his hand. "Nothing to worry about. Alby's actually the only one who's getting any sleep tonight. Don't ask me how."

Nick walked out of her room as well, leaving Newt with her. "So, what actually happened?"

Anne didn't answer, instead choosing to sit back down on the bed.

"A bloody Beetle Blade scared ya?"

"Shut up," Anne said with a roll of her eyes as she looked up to find Newt smirking at her. He sat down beside her, telling her that he wasn't leaving until he got answers.

"C'mon," Newt said. "You can trust me."

"Even if it's the most craziest thing in the world?" Anne asked.

"How crazy exactly?"

Anne just gave Newt a look and opened her mouth to answer. But before she could, the door opened and a sleepy and rather grumpy looking Minho walked in, hugging a pillow to his chest.

"Good to see you shanks can't sleep either," the Asian boy said miserably as he sat down on Anne's bed. "I don't know how anyone's sleeping now with Gally screaming like that."

Minho sighed dramatically and fell back on Anne's bed, pressing the pillow to his face. He said something else, but his voice was muffled by the pillow.

Newt turned to Anne and gave her a look to which she just shook her head, eyes moving to Minho who was still lying motionless on the bed. Anne thought he may have fallen asleep when he spoke up again.

"You guys aren't making out or anything are you?" he said, lifting the pillow off his face enough to allow them to hear him. "Because that would be very awkward."

Both Newt and Anne stood frozen for a moment and Anne felt blood rush up to her face. She was glad it was dark because that prevented Newt from seeing just how embarrassed she was at that moment.

Newt was the first to answer. "No! What the shuck, Minho!"

"Calm down, man. I'm just kidding," Minho snickered, clearly happy at how flustered he had gotten the two of them. He had lifted the pillow off his face completely so that he could see them. He seemed to be enjoying their embarrassment.

"Don't get offended or anything," Newt said to Anne who was standing awkwardly by the door. "That's just classic Minho. He hasn't even gotten started yet."

Minho turned to Anne and winked.

This was going to be a long night.


This chapter is dedicated to Unlock-Your-Mind because she hasn't failed to comment on a single chapter and is the one who inspired me to write this story in the first place. Go check out her maze runner and marvel books. They are amazing!

I said I'd update every Tuesday and disappeared from Wattpad completely. I feel like I'm going to have to apologise a lot in the future, but guys, I am so busy! I'm going back to uni now and I have all these classes and presentations and assignments and projects and every other thing in the universe going on which forces me to prioritise university stuff over wattpad. And I miss wattpad so much!

But as usual, questions

Who's talking to Anne?

What did you think when Newt showed up so quickly (if you thought anything at all)?

Do you love how sarcastic and dramatic Minho can be?

This is not related to the chapter but I was reading through that authors note and now am wondering how old you guys think I am. Can you guess my age?

Okay, that's it thank you!

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