01 | fire party

354 18 16

[EDITED 5. 2. 2019]

Edit: there aren't any major changes. More like additions. Because this was so un-detailed.


That night they held a bonfire to welcome her to the Glade. She watched through her window as the boys collected and dropped piles of wood onto a particular spot by the huge wall.

Nick came to get her while she was watching the boys light branches on fire. He lead her out of the Homestead while explaining to her that the bonfire was something that they held for the Greenie, but also for them so they could enjoy some off time once a month.

When they reached the place where the boys were gathered, one of them handed her a lit branch and gestured for her to throw it into the pile of wood. She did as told and watched as the flames got bigger and bigger as more boys threw their own sticks into the growing fire. The boys around her erupted into cheers, some of them chanting her name over and over again. She felt herself smile at the energy surrounding her and wondering whether she would enjoy her stay here.

She sat down a little further away from the boys, not wanting to get trapped among them. The previous bit of euphoric feeling she felt was long gone now. Instead, she felt trapped almost like the way she felt while she was inside the box. She drowned out the voices around her and stared blankly at the wall. She was forced out of her stupor when a boy walked over to her.

"Not enjoying the party?"

She looked up at the boy who offered her a small smile. She hadn't seen him before and probably wouldn't even have been able to remember if she did. She had seen so many faces that day. It was all too overwhelming.

"It's not really easy on the first day, Greenie," the boy said as he took a seat a little bit away from her giving her the space she needed, "but it'll get better."

She appreciated him trying to make her feel better. "Thanks."

"I'm Gally, by the way," He held out his free hand. The other one held a glass filled with an odd coloured liquid.

"My name's Anne," she took his hand and shook it. "What's that?" she asked, recognising the drink as what many of the other boys had been chugging down all night.

"Oh," He laughed as he held up the glass. "It's my special recipe. Closest thing we have to alcohol up here."

"Do you think it's a smart thing to be drinking alcohol near a fire?" she asked.

Gally laughed out loud this time. "Probably not, but the last time some shank almost fell in was three months ago." He turned around and looked through the crowd of boys and pointed out a red haired boy. "Nearly fell right in."

"He's still drinking anyway," Anne said, an eyebrow raised.

Gally watched her for a second. "Greenie, you just got your first friend," he paused for a second. "If you want to be friends that is."

Anne smiled, "Of course I do."

A loud noise echoed through the Glade suddenly making Anne jump. The others however didn't seem the slightest bit surprised or sidturved by it. Anne's eyes went wide as another identical sound sounded. She turned, frantically trying to find the source of the noise.

"Over there, Greenie," Gally said, pointing to he nearest door.

Her eyes widened even more when she saw the doors closing. Slowly, but surely the walls moved until large rods on one side fit into the holes on the other and the doors slammed shut with another loud boom that sent shivers down her spine. Anne stared at the walls, unable to believe her eyes. How could something that large move on its own like that?

Gally snapped her out of her thought. "Don't worry, Greenie," he said, his eyes also on the walls. "You'll get used to it. Doors close every night and open every morning."

She opened he Routh to say something, but Gally held a finger to his lips and she shit her mouth immediately.

"Hear that?" He asked.

She drowned out the noise of boys shouting and taking lily over each other and heard what Gally was referring to. Loud squeals and grinding noises could be heard from outside the walls. They must be really loud if they could hear them from inside.

"Thats the sound of the Maze walls moving," Gally explained. "Happens every night. Kinda freaky, huh?"

"The walls in the Maze move?"

"Yeah, that's what made it so hard to solve the thing," Gally said, taking a sip of his drink. "We've been here for almost tow years."

When Nick finally declared that it was time for bed somewhere around midnight, making him look a lot like a mom to the Gladers, Anne watched as the boys started cleaning up. Gally's recipe luckily didn't have that bad a reaction on the boys so they did just fine as they worked. Two boys worked on putting out the fire and cleaning up the charred wood while others helped Frypan, the Keeper of the Cooks take the rest of the food to the kitchen. Cups and plates were picked up, and discarded objects were taken away and soon the whole area was clean like nothing had even happened. She found it nice, how efficient the boys were.

Once they were done, the boys headed off to sleep. Most of them slept outside on the lawn and dragged out blankets and pillows from inside the Homestead. Some boys slept on hammocks stringed to trees and others just collapsed onto the grass and went to sleep.

She quickly went to her room after saying good night to Gally and laid down on the bed, too tired to think or even try to figure out how she felt about this place. She decided she would do that the next day and closed her eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.


I love nice Gally. I really don't like the fact that so many people write Gally as some evil bully. He just didn't like Thomas. Please stop doing that. And little Mama Nick taking care of his kids is so fun! Also, I absolutely loved the bonfire scene in the movie so I decided to add it into the book!

No Newt in this chapter as well, but don't worry, he'll be in the next one. You'll know why Newt's not around yet soon!

Thanks for reading!

Edit: I have added so much in here

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