Chapter 3

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"You hungry?" Jake asked taking out a coke from the fridge.

"No thanks" I headed to my room.

I closed the door and threw my shoes to the floor. I jumped into my comfy bed that I missed so much and relaxed. I'm just so relieved that I'm not going to have to wake up early at 6:30 each morning to go to school. It causes a lot of stress, and I get bags under my eyes.

'The Walking Dead Marathon' was on when I turned on the TV. I really enjoy watching this show, I think it's pretty sick. Thank you Jake for introducing 'The Walking Dead' to me. When my mom was here she didn't even let me watch a single scary movie or just stay in my room all day. She made me do chores and clean my room. I was like a good obedient girl back then. Jake is kind of a bad influence for me right now, but he's my big brother and I love him.

After watching 4 episodes of 'The Walking Dead' My head started hurting and my eyes started shutting down.

I turned off the TV and covered myself with my warm blanket. I slowly shut my tired eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to the sound of voices coming from the living room. Probably some of Jake's friends came over. I checked the clock to see what time was it.


I laid back down to try to get some more rest.

Then i heard the living room TV turn on. I covered my ears with a pillow over my head.

Now i heard a lot of movement in the kitchen.

Really Jake? Why couldn't you have your little gathering party somewhere else.

I give up on sleeping now.

I quickly changed into my blue jeans and a blue button up shirt. I was planning on waking up like at 1:00p.m but I guess Jake was eager to see his friends.

I walked from my room straight to the restroom to brush my teeth.

I didn't even bother to brush my hair I just let my natural curls just fall down.

I heard my brother's laughter from a distant.

What are they even doing over there?

I came out and peeked out to see what was going on. Few guys where in the couch watching TV cracking up at some funny movie. My brother was sitting in the little couch with another dude and in the big couch there was two other guys laying down.

My eyes traveled to the corner where I saw a guy. A guy who I never seen before. He looked so distant from the others. He is looking at something right now. I wonder what he's looking at? He looks so focused. What is he thinking?...

Is he looking at me?

"Alison!" My brother shouted

I saw everyone's heads turn around to face me. Is it to late to make a run for it?

"Hey guys, I'd like you to meet my sister" Jake said standing up.

They all stood up as i walked towards them shyly.

"Alison, this is Michael" Michael had blonde long hair and dark brown eyes.

"This is Clark" Clark had black hair, he wore glasses on. He looked kind of like a geek.

"This is Alex" Alex had blue eyes and light brown hair.

"And finally this is, um I'm sorry I forgot your name what was it again?" My brother asked the boy sit

"It's Justin, My name is Justin Bieber"


I know this chapter is kind of short, But hey Two updates in one!!! Yay! No? Okay then

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