Chapter 9

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The ceremony had finished.

We tossed our blue caps up into the thin air. There was a lot of smiles, a lot of tears, a lot of excitement going on. People hugging each other, boyfriends kissing their girlfriends, girls crying of joy, and some taking pictures.

Pushing my way out of the mob, I managed to make it through where I had thrown my cap earlier. I picked it up steadily trying hard not to damaged this dress. I swiped off the dust that came from the dirty floor off my cap. Although I'm not even sure if this is even mine.

"Congratulations" a low pitched voice startled me.

I stood up.

It was him.

Justin wore a rouge flannel with dark blue ripped jeans and black vans.

"What are you doing here?" Was my first thought that came out from my mind.

"I came here for a friend not for you don't get too excited" he recklessly shrugged his shoulders.

What is his problem? I just asked him a simple question.

Ignoring him, I started sauntering away.

"Wait" I heard him say

"Do you need a ride home?"

"No, I have a ride. But even if I didn't I prefer going walking than with you"

"I never said I was going to give you one" he chuckled

I stomped away from him before I loose my temper.

"Aw someone's mad" he taunted

I looked around my surroundings to see if I saw Jake's familiar face.

"Who you looking for?" He followed me

I ignored him and kept on walking.

"If you're looking for Jake, he's right over there" he pointed towards outside

"How you know?" I asked making sure

"I saw him"

I exited the building along with everyone. There seemed to be more people outdoors than inside.

"I don't see him" I told Justin as I searched trough all the people.

"Right there" he tilted my head with his rough hands touching my cheeks. I never noticed his astonishing golden watch he wore on the left side of his wrist, which was covered all with tattoos.

"Jake!" I called as I saw him.

Both him and Alex turn around towards my direction.

"Where were you? I been calling you on the phone."

"I was looking for you with-"

I turn around where i thought Justin was. He was behind me a second ago. How does he keeps disappearing?

"Well anyways congratulations, you finally did it. I'm so proud of you!" I was pulled into a tight hug.

"Congratulations Alison." Alex added.

"Thanks" I said to both

"Alex can you take me a picture with Alison" he handed his phone to him.

"Sure" he grabbed it.

Jake put his arm around me and I hold up my diploma and smiled as Alex counted to three.

"Thanks" Jake took the phone after he captured it.

We started walking towards the car.

"We saw when you forgot your diploma" Alex laughed.

"Yeah I did" I felt the embarrassment creep up again inside me.

"And you know what's the best part?" Jake added.

"Tell her Alex" he foolishly slapped his shoulder.

"Jake recorded you" they both started cracking up.

"Well I don't wanna see that video" I said covering my face.

We all climbed inside the vehicle and left.

I still don't get why Justin didn't say nothing before he left.

"Jake can I ask you a question?" I looked at him.


"Do you still talk to that guy, Justin"

His eyes glanced over toward the interior rear view mirror.

"Yeah, well Alex does. Why?" He focused on both sides of the road as he made a left turn.

"I was just curious." I Coolly replied



"Bye" we waved at Alex as he drove himself in his car out of the drive thru.

"Bye" he rolled down his window.

We stepped inside the fresh house. I let my body fall numb on the couch.

"I'm so exhausted" I laid my head over the couch pillow.

"Before you fall asleep change and take the make up off"

I sighed as I stood up. I walked towards my room. The closet was dirty and messy still since i had left it yesterday when I took out the shoe box. I ignored it and walked over it to get some black basketball shorts that used to belong to Jakes and a plain blue T-shirt.

I changed in my room.

I hanged the dress back on the hanger. It wasn't that dirty, I only used it for 2 hours.

I walked over to the bathroom to take my make up off. My mom used to use this cleanser make-up remover for her face every time she wanted to take her make up off. Good thing is still here for me to use it. I grabbed a little sponge from the drawer and the liquid.

I applied it all over my eye. I grabbed another sponge for the other eye and applied it. I threw both sponges away and put the liquid up when I had finished taking it off.

I washed the rest of my face with warm water.

Now I was clean.

My curls where still hanging to the side by 10 bobby pins. I pulled all of them out one by one and just started brushing my hair.

I walked back to the living room where Jake was Watching Football on the sofa with a bowl of hot chips and a Beer.

"Want some?" He offered

"No thanks"

I made myself comfortable on the other couch I was previously on when I walked in here. I was awfully tired and my eyes were too. Those heels really got the best of me. My eyelids slowly closed and I fell into a deep sleep.


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