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The air in the car on the way home from fetching Stella felt uneasy . Stella was upset that the baby was gone but she also felt a little pleased to not have to give birth to that man's child . Sasha held Liams hand as he drove . There was an awkward silence , none of them were ever good at reacting to pain ,they didn't know how to .

The silence was broken when Alex boldly asked Stella "I know I haven't really said much but are you doing okay ?"

"I'm fine ." Stella's reply was dry and she had her head faced down to her legs .

"Who's up for some sushi ?" Liam asked nervously ,he wondered if maybe it wasn't the right time to be going out for sushi .

"That sounds nice , I'm starving ." Sasha replied cheerfully with her hands grasping her stomach .

"I'll pass ." Stella rejected "You can just drop me at home on the way ." She continued to stare out the window . The weather was awfully beautiful.  The dark clouds above made it seem depressing but the glimmer of the sun from behind the huge clouds made her feel warm .
"Thank you , I'll see you later ." Stella kissed Alex on the cheek , he watched her as she left , he watched her walk up the stairs . To him it seemed like it was effort .

"Should I go with her ?" Alex asked Liam and Sasha while leaning over into the front seat .

"No I think she needs some time to herself ." Sasha suggested as she pulled back strands of her hair behind her ears . Alex leaned back in his seat behind Liam while thinking if maybe he should of gone home with her . It's always sad to lose a baby even if it hasn't been born yet .

Sitting down at the sushi bar ,they each grabbed a plate of sushi as the tables turned . "Do you think ,I did the right thing ?" Alex asked Liam shoving some sushi into his mouth .

"We never know we have done the right thing until it's too late ." Liam said taking a sip of juice then he proceeded "We just have to hope we have done the right thing ."

"I guess you're right ." Alex sighed .

"Of course I'm right !" He smirked , flipping his brown hair that seemed to be growing too much .

"Maybe we should get our hair done tomorrow , looks like it's time for you to get a hair cut ." Sasha started fiddling with Liams hair .

The night passed and the three of them laughed and ate too much sushi they felt like they could burst . Meanwhile Stella sat at home , she sat on the couch starring at the TV which she didn't bother turning on . In her arms she held one of Alex recently used jackets .

"It smells just like him ." Stella whispered to her self . She laid down while cuddling the black hoodie,  it wasn't too long before she dozed off to sleep . Crying makes you tired and she was exhausted. 

Unlocking the door , Alex walked in "Stella ?" He called but there was no reply . He realized she must of been sleeping and so he decided to not turn on the lights . Alex put his bags down and headed straight to bed . He laid down on his double bed , the cotton sheets smelt fresh , clenching onto his pillows . "Real men don't cry ." He told himself over and over again but telling himself that didn't stop him from crying . Alex felt like he couldn't help anyone , he can't protect anyone , he felt completely and utterly useless especially to Stella .

The sun came through the windows as Stella opened the curtains of Alex room . She stood there starring as he opened his eyes . It was the first time he had slept that long . "Morning Alex ." Stella shouted happily .

"Stella ?" He opened his eyes ,looking twice , Stella had changed . "What happened to your hair ?" Alex asked

"You don't like it ?" Stella asked nervously . Alex wasn't expecting this , her hair was now the length of her shoulder and it was a bright red .

"It's gorgeous but it caught me off guard ." Alex said with a little smile . He was worried as changing your hair can mean a change in your life .

"I've made breakfast if you want to come eat ?" Stella said to Alex as he continued to lay lazily in bed . "I'm sorry about yesterday ." She whispered , Walking out of alexs room . Alex felt confused as he didnt think anything she did was worth saying sorry for . 

Alex walked into the lounge , slaming the door behind him . There was an awkward silence as the both sat at the dinning table while they each ate their pancakes . After the first bite Alex started to speak "Look on the bright side . Atleast you can start a family with the person you really want now ." 

"Oh , I didnt know you wanted kids ?" Stella replied , not realizing what she had just said out loud .

"You want kids with ," Alex tried to finish his sentence but he was in so much shock from hearing Stellas come back . He started to go red in the face , he didnt think that she was that crazy about him .

"Forget that I said anything !" Stella shouted , covering her face with both hands as she also began to blush . 

Alex took a deep breath and his face began to go back to its normal color .  "It's okay , I wont bring it up ." as the awkward silence reappeared , the both of them finished their breakfasts . "Im sorry I haven't asked you yet but would you , ummmm , like to be my girlfriend ?" Alex looked away from fear . 

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend ." Stella said with tears rolling down her face . She felt warm inside and couldn't stop smiling . She got up and put her hands around Ales neck while he was still sitting in the chair , and she gave him a kiss . His lips were soft and tasted sweet , sweeter than all the other men she had kissed before . It was addictive . 

As Stella stopped , in came Liam . " Morning Guys !" he shouted to them . Alex got up so fast and they both started blushing . "Did i interupt something ?" Liam smirked , putting his bags on the couches . 

"Nope , nothing ." Stella replied pretty quickly , which made them seem guilty . 

"There's some pancakes in the kitchen if you want some ." Alex walked fast to the kitchen to dish him up some pancakes . He grabbed a plate and placed a few pancakes on it and covered it all in syrup . "Here Liam , just the way you like it . "

"Oh wow , you didn't even give me time to respond ." Liam said , willingly accepting the pancakes . He sat at the table and began to chow down . He was pretty fast eater . 

Stella stood awkwardly in the lounge with Alex , they both starred at Liam while he ate and then Alex decided to tell him the big news "Liam , Stella and I are now dating ." 

Liam dropped his knife and fork and starred at the both of them with tears in his eyes and a big smile that was full of syrup . "Congrats you guys I'm so proud of you ." he stopped in his tracks and gave them a big hug , leaving a sticky trail on them . 

"Ha , you always get more excited about these things than I do ." Alex let out a little laugh , everytime something good happened to Alex , Liam would get more excited or if something terrible were to happen to him , Liam was always more sad about it than he was .

It seemed that Alex was finally getting all that he wanted , someone who genuinely wanted to care and love for him , someone who he wanted to spend all his time with , someone to build a future with . This was the start of a wonderful journey for both Alex and Stella . 

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