{•Chapter One•}

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A/n: Welcome to the sequel of Moondrop Blood! I'm hoping you all are looking forward to this journey through resident evil 4! Like the previous story, this'll all be written in third person!

^^Picture above is of Gwen (I DO NOT OWN IT)^^

Hope you all enjoy!! Love you all!!!

"You can't be serious..." Gwen groaned as she walked down the aisle of books. "Why're they all out of order?"

It has been six years since the Raccoon City outbreak and the start of her job as the USSTRATCOM archivist. She loves her job and always finds motivation to leave her apartment everyday to head to the White House. Alongside being the archivist, Gwen has also taken up the duty of tending to the library. Unlike the R.P.D. library, the White House's was rather small in comparison, but it seemed to be more of hassle due to so many busy bodies within the house. People constantly were placing books in the wrong place, which frustrates her to no end.

"Do these people really not know 'M' comes before 'S'?" She huffed in vexation as she rearranged the books in the correct order. "This is completely unacceptable, especially for the damn White House!"

"An issue with the library, Gwendolyn?" A familiar voice questioned her.

Gwen's head turned slowly as she recognized the president's voice. "Oh, President Graham, just complaining to myself how people are randomly shoving books back onto shelves without a care in the world. I found a Charles Dickens book in the Z Section! Last time I checked, Dickens starts with a 'D,' not a 'Z'! What blasphemy is this?!"

President Graham chuckled at her vexation. "I know you'll get everything back into order. I will see you later, Gwendolyn."

"Have a wonderful day, sir," Gwen waved to the president as he left the library. As she was distracted from organizing the books, she failed to hear her phone ringing in her pocket. The device had been a gift from Leon on her 25th birthday and she was still learning how to use it a year later.

Climbing up a small ladder, Gwen rearranged the books on the top shelf. She was grateful of the ladder since she was on the short side and reaching the upper shelves were always a chore.

As an hour passed without the woman knowing, she had failed in answering four calls as she reorganized almost the entirety of the library. She sat down on a comfy sofa as she looked over a recent report from the USSTRATCOM. She was recording the report into a large book that held the 2004 records. All the pages were almost filled out except for the last three. "I'm gonna need a new book soon."

While she was concentrating, Gwen heard someone enter the library. Without looking to see who it was, she shouted at them. "If you're returning a book, make sure to put it in the right place!"

"Hello to you, too, sweetheart," a deep voice chuckled.

Gwen's head snapped up, recognizing the voice. "Leon?"

The agent waltzed over to the couch with a wide smirk. "You really don't answer your phone, do you?"

The archivist scrambled around in her pocket and grabbed her phone. She pulled it out and flipped it open.

Leon (4)

"I didn't even hear it ring..." Gwen muttered. "Is the ringer even on?" She pressed the arrows on the side and saw the ringtone was set at maximum volume. "Never mind. It's on. Sorry for not picking up, Leon."

"You must've had your nose buried in your work as usual." Leon stood in front of Gwen, staring down at her. "Y'know, we haven't seen each other in seven months. You cut your hair."

Resident Evil 4: Cursed Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now