{•Chapter Sixteen•}

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Leon managed to free himself from the garrador too late. Gwen had fallen unconscious and was dragged away by her ankles before he could escape and help her. Anger flashed through the blonde's eyes as he killed the cultists surrounding the cage and the garrador. He shot the lock off the cell door and bursted through it as he headed through the door Gwen was dragged through minutes ago.

Seeing no trace or hint to where the man had taken her, Leon slammed his fist against the wall, causing the picture frames to tremble. "Dammit...!" His chest rose rapidly, his breathing erratic from the anger and frustration. Not only had Leon lost Ashley, but he now had no idea where Gwen was taken or if she was safe. He cursed Salazar and the entire cult for taking away his only semblance of normality, calmness, and jubilation in this hellhole.

Leon fueled his actions with his anger and frustration. The cult members stood no chance against the furious man as he traveled down a warpath of his own creation. No cultists were able to lay a hand on him as he made sure they couldn't surround him or get within inches of him. He killed all the robed men before pulling a lever. It activated a hidden walkway that allowed access to the door on the second level.

More zealots shuffled through the doors as Leon made his way across. They were no match for his shotgun as his trigger finger had a seemingly never-ending itch. Spinning around, he annihilated the parasites that had surfaced and took control of the headless bodies. They popped like balloons, guts spurting everywhere as they were obliterated into nothingness. Before leaving the room, Leon claimed an RPG in a display case. He planned to save the single rocket for a certain short man.

Briskly running down the hallway, Leon stumbled upon the merchant. He placed his hands on the makeshift counter, anger still coursing through his veins. "Did a man pass through here dragging my partner?"

The merchant shook his head. "Sorry, stranger. No one has been this way except for you. I do have some new and rare items for ya to browse, though."

Leon bit his tongue to keep from lashing out at the man. "Not this time. I'm in a hurry." He left the merchant and entered the mezzanine.

As Leon's back was turned to the door, it opened. "Leon, I got it!" Said man turns around just as Luis calls out to him. Before the Spaniard could explain, a soft 'thump' is heard. The blonde watches in horror as Luis is impaled by a huge tendril and is hoisted into the air.

"Luis!" Leon shouted in panic. Screaming, the Spaniard drops what he had in his hand.

Before it could shatter against the tile, Saddler catches the vial. The tendril slams Luis to the ground and then disappears under the adversary's robes. "Now that I have the sample, you serve me no purpose."

"Saddler!" Leon hissed in hatred.

"My boy, Salazar, will make sure you follow the same fate. After all, he did succeed in retrieving our second target," Saddler chuckles.

"Wait! Where is she?!" Leon yelled as the man leaves. Receiving only a villainous chuckle in response, the blonde's hands clench into a fist. Seeing the large pool of blood forming under Luis' body, Leon rushes over to the dying man. He kneels next to him, wondering what he could do to keep Luis from fading. "Stay with me, Luis."

"I am a researcher... hired by Saddler. He found out what I was up to," Luis coughed. Blood trickled from his mouth as he met Leon's sapphire gaze.

"Don't talk," Leon begs. Then, he remembers their first encounter with Luis outside the entrance of the castle. His eyes widen in hope and pat the pockets located on the Spaniard's vest. "Where's the vial Gwen gave you?"

With a shaky hand, Luis fishes the vial out of his pocket. Leon snatches the glass flask from him and pops the lid off. He knew he didn't have much time to save the man and placed the rim of the vial against his chapped lips and gently poured the silver blood into Luis' mouth. "Don't die on me yet, Luis."

Resident Evil 4: Cursed Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now