{•Chapter Twenty-Two•}

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"Help me, Leon!" Ashley's desperate howl bounced off the concrete walls.

"We must be getting close," Gwen muttered under her breath.

Leon crept down the hallway and around the corner with Gwen close behind. Ashley's voice crescendoed with every footstep they took. No adversaries were present and the corridor was rather quiet, which didn't bode well with the couple.

Eventually, the duo reached Ashley's cell but it was guarded by two brutes. With their hammers raised, they charged at the agents and swung recklessly. One cultist had forced Leon and Gwen to separate, which was a mistake on the agents' side. While one brute focused on the man, the other circled around the archivist as if he was a bird of prey staring at his next meal. She grabbed her handgun, but it was too late. The man dashed forward, tossing his hammer aside. "What the-?!" Gwen managed to gasp before she felt one of the man's arms wrap around her body and pin her arms at her side. The air was squeezed out of her lungs as he practically tackled her. She kicked her legs as the man carried her under his arm.

Without skipping a beat, the brute chuckles darkly before running through a door with Gwen in his clutches. Before the door could close, the woman shouted for help. "Leon!"

Hearing his name, the blonde tried to shoot the cult member in the back of the leg, but the door slammed shit before the bullet could hit its target. "Dammit!" Leon hissed as he shot the man he was facing in the face, resulting in his head to explode. A parasite emerged from the corpse's neck, but he swiftly disposed of it before chasing after the brute who snatched Gwen up and took off.


"Put me down, you bastard!" Gwen yelled at the top of her lungs as the cultist carried her to a lab. She tried to use her pistol on him, but with her arms pinned, she couldn't aim properly. "I am not going to let my blood be used again, you hear me?!"

Receiving no response, she screamed in frustration and struggled against the man's hold. When the ganado released her, he tossed her body into a glass tube large enough for a human. Before she could scurry away, the man slammed his fist against the control panel beside it. The glass door closed and the ganado chuckled before walking out of the lab.

Gwen slammed her hands against the glass, trying to break free. She still had her gun, but she wasn't sure if the glass was bullet-proof. If it is, she risks the bullet ricocheting off the glass and possibly injuring herself with her own firepower. She smashed her body against the glass, resulting in a shockwave of pain to surge through her arm. When she went to ram the glass a second time, all too familiar heavy breathing rang through her ears. It was muffled, but she knew it was a regenerator.

Placing her hands against the cool glass of the tube, Gwen glanced around the lab and spotted a creature that resembled a regenerator stalking towards. Unlike the previous regenerators, this one had spikes located across its body. Gulping fearfully, she watched helplessly as it dragged its body towards the tube she was trapped in. "Oh, God..."

The regenerator threw its body against the glass, desperately trying to reach the woman inside the container. Gwen presses her back against the glass behind her and flinched every time the creature used its body as a ram. "Y'know, I'm rather happy in this tube. It keeps all the monsters out."

Something stuck to the monster's body caught the woman's eye and she saw it was another keycard. "We might need that..."

Suddenly, the door to the lab opened and Leon stepped into the room. Hope gleamed in Gwen's eyes as she saw her boyfriend was safe and on his way to break her out of this glass prison. Unfortunately, it hadn't only been Gwen who spotted the blonde.

Resident Evil 4: Cursed Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now