{•Chapter Twenty-Three•}

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Leon, Gwen, and Ashley stood at the edge of the garbage chute, staring down at the pile of waste below. "Looks like this is it," the blonde man said.

Ashley holds her nose and takes a step back from the edge. "Ugh, it stinks."

"Sure does." Leon glanced between the two girls, smirking from ear to ear.

Gwen recognized the expression and couldn't help but smile. "Oh, I know that look."

The amber-eyed girl looks at Leon after listening to Gwen and shook her head, knowing exactly what he was scheming. "No way, Leon." She backed away further from the edge and away from the man.

Leon grabs her wrist, still grinning. "Way." He runs towards the chute while tugging Ashley along and before they jump, he hooks his other arm around Gwen. The blonde girl let out a yelp as she, Gwen, and Leon jumped into the garbage chute. Their bodies felt weightless for a few seconds before they landed on a pile of waste.

Leon released Ashley's wrist when they made impact and Gwen ended up falling on top of him during the descent. She grunted in pain when she landed directly on him, knocking the air out of her lungs and Leon's.

After catching her breath, Gwen placed her hands on his chest and pushed her body upwards. She glared down at the man as she clutched the front of his black shirt. "You could've warned me instead of practically tackling me like a football player into a garbage chute."

"Are you out of your mind?" Ashley hissed, glaring over at Leon.

"I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt." Leon's eyes bounced over to Gwen, who adjusted her body and straddled his waist, keeping his body pinned to the pile of garbage. "As much as I'm enjoying this position, we've got to get moving."

The small flirtatious remark earned a smirk from Gwen and she patted her hand against his chest. "Glad to see your head's in the right place." She promptly climbed off him and brushed off the small pieces of waste that clung to her clothes. "And now I smell like garbage."

Once Leon gets to his feet, he helps Ashley up. She then looks down when she felt her hand touch something slimy and sees a regenerator beside her. "What is this?"

"It's the same kind of regenerator that attacked us in the lab. Do you think...?" Gwen's voice trailed off as she met Leon's gaze.

"Not sure, but we're not going to stick around and find out. Come on, let's go." Leon took the lead through the waste area and pulled a lever to raise a gate. The moment the gate was opened, the regenerator sprung to life and breathed heavily as it trudged towards them.

"So much for not finding out," Gwen grumbled as they stepped through the gate. She promptly closed the gate to prevent it from reaching them. "Leon, rifle, please." Her boyfriend tossed her the firearm and she made quick work of the regenerator. As she killed the last parasite, she ordered them to back away from the gate to avoid the spikes as they shot out of the monster's body.

Ashley screamed when the spikes shot through the bars of the gate. "What was that thing?!"

"Regenerator. Only way to kill them is by eliminating the parasites within its body," Gwen responded. "Although, the spikes are a new addition."

"I'm just glad you both know what you're doing," Ashley sighed in relief.

Gwen chewed on her bottom lip before releasing it and whispering to herself. "Well...not entirely..."

"Help me with this," Leon's voice cuts through the silence between the two girls. They rush through another gate the man had opened and saw him trying to push a storage container to create a walkway across the murky water below. Gwen and Ashley stood on either side of Leon and pushed with all their strength. The metal crate fell into the water, making a small splash.

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