{•Chapter Twenty-Four•}

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After finding a way to open the shutter and to bypass a door with a mechanical lock involving two levers, the trio found themselves in a large, open room with crates and barrels scattered about. The cargo was strewn through the room, no organization method used and just carelessly scattered and shoved into corners.

A construction vehicle with a flatbed and a claw on the front caught Gwen's eye. A glint of mischievousness crossed through her sapphire eyes as she smirked. "I think we found our get-away vehicle."

"I can drive," Ashley offered a helping hand.

"I don't see why not. Ashley, take the wheel. Gwen and I will ride in the back. We'll keep the enemies from overpowering us," Leon said.

Ashley smiled, unable to hide how happy she was that the two agents trusted her. She darted towards the front of vehicle while Leon climbed into the flatbed and offered Gwen a helping hand. She placed her hand in his and he hauled her onto the construction vehicle. Ashley glanced over her shoulder, watching as the couple reloaded their weapons. "You guys ready?"

"Let's blow this popsicle stand. I could use something more interesting," Gwen smirked as she met Ashley's amber gaze.

The blonde girl nodded with a wide smile, the vehicle's engine coming to life with a ragged but intimidating roar. "Let's go!" Utilizing the claw on the front of the vehicle, Ashley tore through the metal gate to access the tunnel. She drove steadily and at a decent pace through the tunnel.

Gwen held her pistol in both hands as she stood beside Leon. She could feel the vibration of the engine as they stood in the flatbed. "I've got a bad feeling about this..." Just as those words left the woman's mouth, a throng of ganados charged down the tunnel from where they had acquired the construction vehicle. "Called it."

The cultists dashed down the tunnel, their weapons swinging back and forth as they pursued the construction vehicle. When they caught up, the men hopped onto the edge of the flatbed and hauled their bodies upwards into the back of the vehicle. Gwen managed to stomp on a few of their hands and force them to let go, falling off and tumbling into a few more cultists. Leon used the firearm in his hands, blowing more men off the flatbed and killing them in the process.

"There's more of them!" Ashley shouted without sparing them a glance. More ganados jumped down and landed in front of the agents. Gwen shot both men in the head but regretted her decision when parasites sprouted from their bodies, swinging their sharp tails around wildly. Leon waited for the two cult members to line up and used a single shell to kill both parasites.

Out of nowhere, a truck came barreling towards them. The vehicle's horn echoed throughout the tunnel, causing Gwen to tense her shoulders slightly. She aimed her handgun at the oncoming truck and fired a few rounds into its engine. Flames erupted from the hood and grill as it rammed into the side of the tunnel before it could plow into the construction vehicle.

Gwen sighed in relief, seeing the truck had crashed. Her joy was short-lived when the truck returned for round two. "Oh, come on! Just blow up already!" She fired a couple of more bullets into the engine. The flames consumed the entire front-end of the truck and before it could ram into the back of the construction vehicle, its engine exploded and killed the man behind the wheel. The truck collided with the side of the tunnel before tumbling over on its side, blocking the passageway and killing a handful of cultists.

The construction vehicle suddenly lurched to a screeching halt. Gwen nearly fell over, but Leon snaked an arm around her waist to prevent her from collapsing. The archivist glanced around after the blonde had released his hold on her. "Why'd we stop?" She turned around to face Ashley, finally realizing they needed to pull a lever to activate the lift they were on.

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