{•Chapter Twenty-Seven•}

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As the agents were walking through the ruins, Krauser made his presence known. Unlike earlier, he has ditched his shirt and part of his face is painted. His intimidating gaze fell upon Gwen, who swallowed nervously and unconsciously took a step back. "Never thought one of my targets would ever be your woman, Leon."

Leon stepped in front of Gwen protectively with his hands clenched into fists. He didn't feel like acknowledging Krauser's taunts, but he knew he had no choice in the matter. "Like I said, leave her out of this. Your fight is with me."

"Sorry, comrade, but she is part of this whether you like it or not. She's coming with me regardless of what either of you want," Krauser scoffed.

"Like hell you're taking her," Leon snarled. "I'll make sure you fail your mission. Now, where's Ashley?"

Krauser was simply amused by the blonde's heated response. "Do you really want to know? She's beyond that gate." He nodded to a stone door located in the rear of the ruins. "But you'll need three insignias to open it."

"What are you gonna do, Krauser?" Leon demanded, eyes narrowed.

"There's one in the north and another in the east."

"And let me guess," the agent mocked. "You got the last one."

The burly man smugly grinned at the blonde. "It pretty much means you're on a tight leash." He pulls out a TMP and aims it at Leon and Gwen.

"Sounds like you thought this one out pretty well." Leon grabs ahold on Gwen's wrist with one hand while his other throws out his grappling hook. Krauser knocks it to the side just as the agents make a break for it. Grimacing, the brute fires a burst of gunfire, but the couple makes it behind a stone wall.

The rain of bullets cease and the duo emerge from their cover and make a run for it. They activated a security gate, but it would take a short countdown before the lock would disengaged. Learning this made Leon's frustration blossom further. "Dammit!"

Gwen placed her hand on his arm after hearing his outburst. "Calm down, Leon. I've got a plan."

"What is it?" Leon curiously asked.

"I'll find the piece in the north while you search for the one in the east."

"You're one of his targets, Gwen. If Krauser goes after you-"

She interrupts him, knowing they didn't have much time before said man found them. "His affairs with you run deeper than his connections to Umbrella. I'm certain of that."

"It's too dangerous," he protests, shaking his head.

"But it's our best and only option to secure both pieces. If we don't split up, Krauser will be an issue at every turn."

Suddenly, the door to the small building they were hiding in flew off its hinges. Leon promptly pushed Gwen behind him, whipping out his handgun and aiming it at the approaching adversary. With his knife raised, Krauser charged at the blonde.

Before the brute could reach them, Leon shot him in the leg. Krauser lost his footing from the pain and fell. Seeing the man was incapacitated for a brief moment, the blonde grabbed Gwen and tugged her out of the structure before they could be cornered.

Krauser swiftly took chase and ran towards them with his knife gripped tightly. Leon and Gwen unload round after round into his body, which forces him to use a flash grenade. Blinded by the brilliant light, the couple cover their eyes. When the light dissipated, Krauser was gone.

"Where the hell did he go?" Gwen pondered as she reloaded her handgun.

"Hiding. Stay on your toes. He could be anywhere." Leon holstered his pistol and grabbed his knife.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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