{•Chapter Twenty-Six•}

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The hanging compartments were filled with shipping containers. Leon and Gwen ran circles around them as they tried to figure a way out of the compartment and away from the monster. The midnight-haired woman pulled out her handgun when a green button caught her eye. She shot it and granted them access to an emergency switch. When Gwen presses it and nothing happened, she panicked. "What do we do now?"

"There must be another switch." Leon turned and stopped when he couldn't spot the monster. Then, he grabbed ahold of Gwen and crouched down as a piece of the ceiling broke accompanied by the monster's tentacle-like appendage. The metal grating crashed beside them as the monster growled in frustration.

Leon held Gwen's hand as they searched for the other emergency switch. They dodged the half-reptilian/half-human monster as it rejoined them inside the compartment. The blonde located the second switch and activated it. Red lights triggered, signaling the couple and the monster.

"Run!" Leon, once again, grabbing the archivist's hand and dragged her to the door leading to the middle compartment.

The moment they stepped through the door, the first compartment was released from its chains, plummeting into the dark abyss below. They thought the U-3 had fallen along with the metal container, but it only jumped onto the middle compartment and bursted through the ceiling. It blocked the agents' path, forcing them to back away.

"This thing sure is persistent," Gwen groaned as they disabled a blockade.

"Yeah, but so are we," Leon said as he shot a few bullets at the creature before taking off in search of the emergency switches. "We'll split up and each look for a switch."

Gwen nodded, gripping her pistol with both hands. "Understood."

The two separated, confusing the U-3 in the process. It wasn't sure which agent to pursue, but it decided to set its sight on Leon. The monster vaulted back onto the top of the compartment, stalking the blonde from above as he searched for the switch.

On the other side of the metal compartment, Gwen slammed her fist against the red button. When nothing happened, she knew Leon hadn't found the other switch. Wondering what the issue was, she ran in the direction he vanished. Locating him, she saw the bio-weapon hoisting the man's body upwards with its tentacle-like appendage. She spotted Leon's gun on the ground and knew exactly why he couldn't escape from its slimy grasp.

Gwen fired a single bullet into the appendage wrapped around Leon's body. The lone bullet was enough to cause the U-3 to shriek and drop the man's body. "Are you alright, Leon?" Gwen's concerned gaze bore into him as he recovered his firearm.

"Fine thanks to you." Leon glanced towards the woman with a questioning gaze. "Can you keep the damn thing occupied while I activate the second switch?"

"I've got your back." Gwen aimed her handgun and pulled the trigger, successfully grabbing the atrocity's attention. "Just make it quick!"

Leon stormed off as the U-3 jumped down from its perch and swung its claws at Gwen. She dodged but due to the substance from the dart still present in her body, her reaction was slightly delayed. The claws missed her face by an inch but severed a few strands of hair. She gasped in shock from her delayed reflexes. "Damn. This isn't good..."

Before the monster could deliver another blow, Gwen swung her leg and kicked the creature directly in the jaw when it lowered its head to try and wrap its grotesque tongue around her neck. She lost her balance after the kick and stumbled back. Luckily, she was able to catch herself before she fell. Her eyes fell upon the U-3 after her recovery and saw something in its back moving. Then, an insect-like appendage bursted from its back. It hissed as Gwen saw the mouth and eyes on the new addition along with the shape mandibles.

Resident Evil 4: Cursed Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now