{•Chapter Nineteen•}

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"Shit!" Leon yelled as he dodged a barrel rolling down the stairs. The hike up the tower was a nightmare for the agent. With the numerous of zealots littered throughout the structure and the incoming barrels, it was a laborious task. However, he pushed through the threats and up the staircase, taking out the cultists in the process.

Once Leon realized the steps wouldn't carry him to the top of the tower, he had to search for another route. Luckily, there was another lift nearby. He smashed his fist against the green arrow and the elevator slowly ascended the tower. He dodged incoming flaming bolts and then took out the men armed with crossbows.

The elevator suddenly came to a screeching halt, puzzling the agent. He smashed his fist against the green arrow again on the control panel, but the lift didn't budge a single inch. Several zealots in red robes pounced onto the platform with him, shaking it as they made impact. Leon grabbed his shotgun and used it to wipe out the unneeded and unwanted company.

After the men were dead, the elevator continued its ascent. Leon's joy was cut short when more cultists joined him on the lift. "Don't remember inviting any of you," Leon scoffed, eliminating the zealots and the parasites that sprung from their bodies to take control.

By the time the blonde reached the end of his journey on the elevator, he was completely out of shotgun shells. Switching to his handgun, Leon stepped off the lift and followed the wooden walkway to another elevator. This time, it took him all the way to the top of the tower.

Leon encountered the merchant, who chuckled and pointed to the door he stood by. "Your lady is waiting, stranger. Better get moving."

"This time, I'm getting her back," Leon declared, determination in his voice. He pushed open the door, his hatred for Salazar igniting a flame inside his chest. The agent wasn't fond of killing, but he knew he'd enjoy gunning down the castellan for what he did to Gwen. His thirst for the man's blood was strong and unwavering in the slightest. In the six years he's been an agent, this is the first time he's ever craved bloodshed. His trigger finger was in desperate need of a scratch, but it wouldn't be satisfied just yet.

"Ah, you've just missed her. The ritual is over. She
left with my men to an island," Salazar exclaimed as Leon stood a few feet from him and the alter. He turned to face the blonde, but his eyes were glued to Gwen, who stood beside the verdugo. "And you're too late to save Gwendolyn, Mr. Kennedy. Now, her blood will be used to strengthen my pets and they will worship her like a goddess!"

Leon's eyes widened in horror. "What?" Not only had he failed in saving Ashley, he was unsuccessful in saving the woman he loves.

"I think it's time I payed my due respects towards to your impressive and stubbon will. Mr. Kennedy." Tendrils and tentacles surround both Salazar and his bodyguard. "Welcome!" The appendages drag them both-Salazar laughing all the while-into the parasite queen, where they merge and transform
into a new being. The monster slammed its slimy tentacles against the altar, shattering it into a pile of debris.

Leon watched in terror as Gwen's body collapsed to the floor below with the debris. He rushed to the edge where the altar once stood and peered down. "Gwen!" Her body was sprawled out beside the pile of rubble, her lifeless eyes wide open. Even from this distance, he saw the tears cascading down her face. "I'm coming! Just hold-!"

A tentacle lashed out, knocking Leon away from the edge. Salazar's maniacal laughter echoed through the chamber as the blonde's body slammed against the wall. He groaned in pain as he adjusted his body and recovered from the hit. The agent knew Gwen needed him, but Salazar wouldn't allow him anywhere near the woman until he was dead.

Gripping his pistol, Leon aimed it at the pulsating eye on the head of the queen. Pulling the trigger, he shot round after round into the bulging eye. Liquid squirted from the optic as each bullet hit its mark. The queen hissed in pain, its limbs untangling and revealing a fuming Salazar. Deciding to make this a quick battle, Leon whipped out the RPG and fired the only rocket he had. He watched the projectile soar through the air and strike the castellan directly in the face. He howled in pain as the queen of the parasites writhed with a loud hiss.

Resident Evil 4: Cursed Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now