{•Chapter Four•}

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Once reaching the opposite end of the tunnel, Leon and Gwen were spotted by a villager. He had something in his hand and threw it. The archivist recognized the object as it sailed through the air towards them. "Dynamite!" The agents dove into what remained of a shed. The dynamite exploded, shaking the ground.

Gwen peeked through a slit between the boards and saw the man pull out another stick of dynamite and light it. "Oh, great. He's got more." As the man treaded over to the shed, the young woman grabbed her pistol and emerged from the destroyed structure.

"Gwen, stop!" Leon shouted as he tried to stop her but failed. The archivist shot the stick of dynamite before the villager could throw it. Another loud explosion erupted, killing the man instantly. The blonde exited the building with an amazed glint in his eye. "Nice shot."

A third and fourth explosion went off in the house adjacent to the destroyed shed, startling the couple. Leon clicked his tongue in irritation. "More dynamite. We need to be careful."

From the widow, Gwen spotted the top of two heads in the house. She leaned closer to Leon and whispered. "Let's sneak up behind them. That way, they can't use the dynamite."

Leon agreed to the plan and they snuck around the house, avoiding a few bear traps here and there. They found an opened window and each agent stood on either side. "Shoot the dynamite," he whispered to his partner.

Then, the two agents moved from the cover and aimed at the dynamite. Pulling the triggers in unison on their pistols, both villagers were killed when bullets hit the sticks of dynamite. Leon and Gwen sighed in relief, knowing the men were dead. "What're these people on?" Gwen grumbled.

"Whatever the hell it is, they're pissed off to no extent."

They checked the house for ammo and anything else helpful before moving to the next house. Leon saw the lock on the door and kicked it. Gwen's brows furrowed when she saw what he was doing. "Maybe we can find a-" The second kick was enough to break the lock. "Key..."

Leon smirked as he entered the house. "The lock was rusted. Easier to break it than find the key."

Gwen shook her head, unable to hide the smile on her face. "Whatever you say, Leon."

The house was caked in dust compared to the others they've come across. A long hallway opened up into a living room and a pile of boxes laid in the corner of the room by the table. While surveying the dusty, sooty room, Leon and Gwen heard loud thumping. It was faint, but they knew it was coming from within the house. "You think it's a villager?" Gwen wondered, standing beside a bookshelf.

"Wouldn't doubt it. Better make sure, though." Leon took the lead and pushed the bookshelf out of the doorway with his pistol drawn. Gwen followed closely behind, her own handgun resting by her hip.

The couple followed the sound and found a tattered wardrobe caked in dust. Leon gestured for Gwen to take the other side while he covered the left. Pistol raised, he slowly unlatched the lock of the wardrobe and a man came tumbling out. His arms and legs were tied together with tape covering his mouth. He was trying to talk, but the tape kept his mouth sealed. Leon squats down and tears the tape off.

"A little rough, don't you think?" The man groaned, his accent dripping from every syllable. Leon turns the man around and unties his hand and legs. "You're... not like them?"

"No," Gwen responds, grabbing the Spaniard's attention.

Leon was able to undo the ropes and the stranger rolls over, sitting up as he rubbed his sore wrists. "Okay. I have only one, very important question. You got a smoke?"

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