{•Chapter Twelve•}

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Fighting against the horde of cultists, Ashley took cover behind Leon while Gwen handled the robed men to their right. The blonde used his new handgun, easily killing any man who dared to approach him.

The archivist used the blade she found on the first floor against the men. She decapitated a few cultists with the silver sword, smirking as she did so. "Who knew a sword would be more handy in this situation than a gun." She sliced the arm off a man who tried to swing his flail, but he didn't scream out in pain. The stoic expression on his face didn't change as his arm fell to the floor. "Wow, I would applaud you for taking that like a man, except any normal human would be screaming right about now if their arm was cut clean off."

Leon glanced to his right for a split second, checking on Gwen to see if she needed any assistance. She caught his gaze and sent him a reassuring smile as she swept the blade at the oncoming cultists, slicing off a few legs. Their bodies toppled over like dominos before vanishing.

One man swung his flail at Gwen as she held the silver blade up. The spiked ball and chain wrapped around the blade and the cultist yanked it out of her hand. The weapon clattered to the floor and before she could grab her pistol, another man snuck up behind her and hoisted her body over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing. "Hey, you bastard!" She tried to grab the pistol strapped to her thigh, but she couldn't reach it in her current position. "Dammit! Leon!" She shouted desperately as the man descended the steps.

"Gwen!" Leon shouted as he watched her being carried away. He looked behind him and saw the frightened Ashley. "Stay close." The blonde pushed through the men, killing the ones that got too close for comfort. Ashley grasped onto the back of his shirt as he made his way through the horde and down the steps just as Gwen was being carried out of the door.

Before the door closed, Gwen latched onto the doorframe with her nails digging into the wood. She glared over her shoulder at the man as he tugged on her body to try and pry her hands from the wood. "You've got another thing coming if you think I'll let you take me anywhere, you son of a bitch!"

Leon's path was obscured by a man in a red robe and goat skull. He shot him in the chest multiple times, but his bullets caused a change in the cultist's body. His head exploded and a parasite emerged, taking control of its host. By the shape and color, Leon knew it was a different parasite than what the villagers are infected with. He took a few steps back as the man approached them, shooting at the parasite. A few bullets later, the organism exploded and the cultist's body crumpled to the floor.

"Leon, hurry!" Gwen shouted as her fingers were growing weak from the death grip she had on the doorframe. The splinters from the wooden frame dug under her nails as she desperately tried to keep the man from carrying her away.

Leon fires a single round into the man's back, resulting in him dropping Gwen. She crawled away from the cultist and grasped her pistol, shooting him in the head. The bullet resulted in his head to explode, which made the archivist quite jubilant. She glanced over her shoulder to see Leon taking care of the remaining men descending the steps. He sighed heavily as he holstered his gun before rushing over to his girlfriend, concern written all over his face. "Are you hurt?"

Gwen shook her head, pulling a splinter from under her thumb. "No. I'm fine. The villagers try to kill me because I'm cursed in their eyes, but the cultists here try to capture me. What the hell is going on here?"

"Not sure, but I've a feeling we're close to finding the answer to that question." Leon helped her up, gripping her smaller hands in his larger ones tightly. "You're reckless, you know that?"

Gwen's lips quirked up into a smirk. "I don't think either one of us has room to blame who's the reckless one in this relationship. We're kinda tied for first place in the 'who's the most reckless' category."

Resident Evil 4: Cursed Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now