{•Chapter Twenty-Five•}

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Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye. Leon was sitting on the floor, back leaning against the wall with Gwen reclining against his side. Her head rested on his shoulder as she slept while he held one of her hands as she slumbered. He rubbed his thumb across the base of her ring finger, imagining his future with the woman of his dreams. One day, he prayed he'd be able to start a family with Gwen without having to fear death around every corner.

Gradually, Gwen's eyes fluttered open as she inhaled deeply. She blinked a few times to erase the grogginess from her vision. She kept her body reclined against Leon's as she enjoyed his warmth and touch. Her eyes bounced around the room, realizing the blonde hadn't moved her.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, shortcake," Leon snickered as he continued to hold the woman's hand.

"Send me back. I'm not ready to return," Gwen playfully stated. "There's too much shit to deal with here."

"Sorry, but I can't let you do that. I'm going to need your help in order to get Ashley back." Leon released her hand and raised it to her cheek. He pinched her cheek and pulled on the skin.

"Ow!" Gwen swatted his hand away with pursed lips. "What was that for?"

Leon smirked as he dropped his hand. "Just making sure you were awake."

"You could've just asked," she huffed as she pushed off the wall to get to her feet.

"Asking isn't as fun."

Gwen sighed as she crossed her arms. "What happened to that gentlemanly streak you had going on for a while?"

"There's nothing that says a gentleman can't tease his girlfriend." Leon stood up, his smirk spreading from ear to ear.

"Yeah, well...well...no more pinching!" The archivist yelled as she rubbed her cheek.

Leon guffawed as he raised his hand as if to make a sworn oath. "Yes, ma'am."


The boiler room was oddly quiet. The only sound that echoed were the agents' shoes against the metal walkway. Gwen froze when she felt eyes on them while Leon slowly walked further into the room. He also sensed the presence and grabbed his knife. In unison, the couple turned around but saw no one.

Suddenly, a loud 'bang' was heard and a man with a blade in his hand pounced onto Leon. The agent dodged at the last second, the knife grazing his cheek. He glared sharply at the man as he wiped the blood off his cheek.

"Been a long time, comrade," the man's deep voice rumbled. Blood dripped down the blade, splotching the floor below.

"Krauser!" Leon growled, recognizing the burly man.

Gwen glanced between the two men, wondering how they knew each other. Leon has never mentioned a man named Krauser to her.

"I died in the crash two years ago." Krauser circled Leon as he wrapped his fingers around his knife. "Is that what they told you?"

Leon's eyes narrowed as he gripped his weapon tightly. "You're the one who kidnapped Ashley!"

Krauser kept his eyes glued to his blade. "You catch on quick. That's expected. After all, both you and I know where we come from." Then he lunged towards Leon, swiping his blade at him. The agent deflected the knife with his own.

"What do you want?" Leon raised his knife, readying to defend himself once again.

"Hmph," the man huffed in response, lashing out another attack which failed. "The sample Saddler developed, that's all."

Resident Evil 4: Cursed Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now