6. Admitting

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I forgot to mention that every camper is 14 to 15 years old.
And with that let's get into it!

*Max and Nikki's tent, Max's POV*

It was a cold Saturday night, the moon was already quite high up in the sky.
The night was filled with stars and you could hear the footsteps of people walking through the grass.

We invited Neil to play Thruth or Dare with us.
But then we could hear someone say "Howdy!" Like his head was stuck in a bowl.

"Oh god did he bring Space Kid with him?" I sighed. They walked in with Space Kid being overly happy while Neil was very uncomfortable.

"Why did you bring him with you" I said while pointing towards fake Neil Armstrong.
He explained that Space Kiddo followed him towards our tent begging to come with him, until Neil had to give in.

I sighed. "I suppose we can let him join"
Neil, Nikki and even Houston stared at me in surprise.
(A/N making Space Kid nicknames is actually really fun)

"What?!" I said "Ugh, let's just begin already."
"Oohh I'm first!" Nikki squealed. "I Dare you to let us look through you're phone contacts for two minutes!"

"Okay..." he said while handing his phone to Nikki.

"Oh wow, this is the number of Erin!" Nikki exclaimed. "And is that the number of Snake and who the fuck are Ezra and Ly..." she said. "AND THE TWO MINUTES ARE OVER!" Neil cut Nikki off.

"Space Kid what celebrity do you have a crush on?" Neil asked.

Space kid responded immediately.
"Neil Armstrong for sure!" It said happily.

"Max, What is your deepest, darkest secret.." Fish bowl Asked.

A thundercloud started striking my heart. "I- I don't want to talk about it.." I stammered.
"Come on! Say it!" Neil Said. "Hey, if he doesn't want to talk about then let him keep his secrets!" Nikki stood up for me.

We played another couple of rounds but the questions mostly consisted of, "who's you're favourite camper?", "who's you're favourite Camp counsellor?"
But then the golden question came, the romantic one you get late at night.

"Nikki, I dare you to kiss someone on the cheek!" Neil Said obviously hoping that he got the kiss. "Okay i choose Max!" She squealed.
"Wait what." I said. "Well I like you the most."

"Oh okay..." I Said surprised.

Nikki walked over to me and gave me a small, soft kiss on my cheek.
I saw Neil cross his arms and look at me disapprovingly, I think he's jealous.

*Timeskip, Nikki's POV*

*Beep* *Beep*

Ugh, it was morning again. It was 8 A.M.
Last night was very fun, and I have to say I enjoyed the kiss last night.

I put on my clothes as fast as I could and ran to the messhall thinking of Max.
I stopped. "What am i thinking, why am I suddenly thinking of Max" I thought.

I continued running with a weird feeling but I decided to ignore it.

I opened the door of the messhall and sat at the table where Nerris sat and asked:
"Sooo.... how are Harrison and you doing?"

I think she was lost in her thoughts, I already knew what she was thinking about.

"Hello? Earth to Nerris, Earth to Nerris." I said while rapidly waving my hands in front of her face.
"Oh I'm sorry I was busy, what did you say?" She apologised.

"Busy thinking about Harrison" I muttered. "I said, how are you and Harrison doing?"

Suddenly she became very happy, I guess no one talked about she and her boyfriend.
"We are doing great, we are doing really great!" Nerris Said

At this point Max walked in and sat right next to Neil, I stared at Max for maybe too long.

"Sooo... I see you got a crush too?" Nerris asked.

"Wait what, no I don't, what gives you that idea?" I asked confused.
Nerris facepalmed and said: "You stared at Max and then blushed when he looked back at you."

"Okay, I may or may not have worked up a crush on Max yesterday." I admitted
"I KNEW IT!" She squealed. "You're love was destined for Max just like I predicted!"

"You sound like fucking Preston." I said

She said something under her breath which sounded like she wanted to blast my head off with her blue-eyes white dragon Yu-Gi-Oh! card, then she went to sit next to the illusionist, Harrison.

Maybe I'll have to talk with her about her fascination with Yu-Gi-Oh! but first I need to do something more important.
You guessed it staring at Max.

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