7. Max's determination

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*Max's POV*

"Okay kids, I have to announce something!" An overly happy voice said from the kitchen what the campers could recognise as the voice from David, which wasn't that hard because he was the only one in this hellhole that was excited in the morning.

"What is it?" Harrison groaned.

"Let me give Preston the honour of saying it" David said while putting his hand on Preston's shoulder and dragging him towards the middle of the messhall.

"I, Preston, am working on my biggest, greatest musical ever!!" Preston said full of hope but the majority of the campers knew it was going to fail miserably.

Harrison was the only one who was somewhat excited but stopped when people were suspiciously staring at him.

"So what is the theme?" David said trying to be excited but inside even he knew it isn't going to turn out like Preston imagined.

"Harry Potter!" He said while stretching his arms making a T-Pose.

People started talking to each other again, because nobody gave a shit about Preston and his hobbies.
Preston sat next to Harrison and people started talking even louder.
The only one who seemed to care were Harrison and Nerris.

"Well then, after this great announcement we're gonna start the activities, I guess." David said.
I noticed that David was acting a bit weird but I shrugged it off.

Timeskip also still Max's POV.

I knew something was off.
Yesterday David didn't have his enthusiasm he normally has, instead he sat in the back waiting for Gwen to finish talking (which was also weird, normally David had interrupted her by now)

Nikki had also noticed that David was acting weird and she sat next me and we discussed what was wrong with him.

"Maybe he's sick?" Nikki suggested.
Nutz sat on her shoulder biting on a treat Nikki gave him earlier.
He noticed I was sitting in front of him and he jumped of Nikki's shoulder onto mine.

Nikki gasped.
"What is wrong?!" I asked worried.

"YOU. ARE. SO. CUTE. WITH. NUTZ!!" She squealed.

I glowed red with shame and also happiness and I don't know if squirrels can blush but I swear I saw Nutz blush.
"I suppose" I said.

Apparently Preston heard us and he was already going crazy about his OTP's and his ships coming true.
What the fuck is wrong with him.

We ignored him and continued talking.

As we were talking about "stuff" David barged in, well he didn't exactly barge in, he just walked in and then slammed the door shut.
People didn't notice him come in but they sure did when he caused an literal explosion of sound, even Nutz jumped a bit in shock.
David looked sad.

"I really wonder what is wrong with him."
Wait what am I thinking, who cares about David.

I hid myself in my hoodie when David started talking, making sure I'd listen to what he was saying but not letting someone see I actually show a little bit of interest.

"So, uhm, let's just go to the activity field, I guess" Said David.

That was it!
David was insecure!

I ran trough the crowd which was forming by the messhall doors.
And found Nikki petting Nutz at the middle of all the people.

"Nikki I found out what is wrong with David!" I Said "He's insecure!"

Nikki nodded in agreement and then started petting Nutz again.
She seemed to care a lot less about this but I'm determined to find out where his insecurities came from.

"Nikki, don't you want to find out what's wrong with him?" I asked.
"Of course I want to find that out, but not as much as you do, if you know what I mean." She replied teasingly.

"Nikki, I swear to fucking god." I yelled
"Language Max!" David yelled from the back of the room.

I suddenly felt less motivated to find out what was wrong with him.

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