Chapter Nine: Here We Go Again

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It'd been days. Holly was doing it again. Letting her work get a hold of her life. This time however, she was somewhat grateful for it. Kept her mind off things.

Veronica's luck hadn't been much better than Holly's. On top of dealing with her therapist appointments, family visits and a rather recent pregnancy scare, her and Holly were in the same stress boat.

Driving along the country roads wouldn't be Holly's first though of a solution to her problems, but it was the best she had at that moment, taking up smoking again would proof to be a stupid idea, and going out for parties and drinks wouldn't be much smarter.

Thomas hadn't worried about anyone as much as he worries about Holly now. They hadn't talked in days. If Thomas had been made aware that she was near her ex, he would have motivated himself to go down there, after all, he had the information about where to find her.

Thomas wanted an answer from her, and once he got so deep in his thoughts, he managed to convince himself that there was someone else, after all, the timing seemed a little strange to him. Why would she go away so soon after he asked her to marry him?

Angus had almost knocked on Holly's hotel room door multiple times, but this time he was determined to listen to his gut feeling and talk it out with her. He should've called, but he didn't know the number, the only reason he knew where the hotel was is because it was right across the street from the diner.

Holly opened the door.

"Not a good time Ang." Holly stated plainly, hoping that would make him leave, but he just shrugged and stayed still in his tracks.

"I don't care. This is important." Angus protested.

"Okay fine. Come in. Now what is it Ang I'm busy."

Holly hadn't realized she had left the phone off the hook, so if Thomas was still on the line, he'd be able to hear every word.

He still was, but what he did hear was muffled and it was to Holly and Angus's luck that they couldn't be heard clearly.

"We gotta talk Holl. About the other day."

Holly stayed silent.

"You kissed me Holly."

Holly remained silent.

"Say something!"

Holly didn't.

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