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This is my new book and I will update every day for the next 6 days or so. Let me know what you think, please?
Love you all.

''You've got a big mouth on you, princess. Why don't you put it to good use? Tomorrow night at my place?''

Harry gaped at Louis and clenched his fists. ''I'd rather not have you fuck me and then dump me like a cheap whore, thank you very much.'' He spat before walking away again.

''Princess?'' Louis called after the boy.

''What!'' Harry snapped.

''You forgot to close your locker.''

Harry rushed back with red cheeks and his bottom lips between his teeth as Louis leaned against the locker next to his and stared at his bottom half without any shame.

''How rude.'' He whispered under his breath before he scoffed and quickly scurried away.

Louis' smirk fell and he growled.

He will fuck Harry. And when he does, he'll show him who's boss and who's not.

Or in which Louis is a player and Harry is a feminine boy's still a virgin and Louis will so anything to take that from him.


''So how was Eleanor?'' Zayn asked as he blew out some smoke through his nose, immediately taking a new drag.

''Who?'' Louis asked, talking with an unlit cigarette between his lips. He groaned and lit the thing under his shirt, shielding it from the wind.

''That chick you brought to our house yesterday? The brunette?'' Zayn snickered.

Louis hummed and pulled his hands from under his shirt, inhaling the smoke before looking at Zayn. ''She was alright I guess. Bit louder than the most girls.''

''I heard that. You treated her well then?''

Louis shrugged. ''I always treat them well. Plus, who wouldn't want to have sex with me?''

''I wouldn't.'' Zayn stated simply, causing the other lad to roll his eyes.

''No shit, Sherlock. You're whipped for Liam.''

''I am not whipped I am ju- Shit, here he comes.'' Zayn hissed, stomping on his cigarette after it fell to the floor.

Louis groaned and pushed it out against the wall, smiling at Liam when the boy kissed Zayn's cheek.

The brunette scrunched up his nose and huffed. ''It smells like smoke.''

''Calvin and Oli just left.'' Zayn said quickly, giving Louis a pointed look to say that he had to agree.

Louis simply hummed and stared at his half-finished cigarette laying next to his feet.

''Oh, alright. Anyway, Louis.'' Liam sighed. ''A little birdy told me you were doing drugs again.''

Louis glared at the younger lad and huffed. ''Liam, I think you're the one doing drugs seeing as you're the one talking to birds.''

Zayn snickered but covered it up with a cough when Liam elbowed him in the ribs.

''Not funny, Lou. Are you doing drugs or...''

Louis patted Liam's shoulder. ''I appreciate that you're concerned for my health, Li. No, I am not doing drugs. God knows I haven't touched a bag of coke or weed in months.''

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