🚬🌸my boy🌸🚬

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Sorry, I had to delete the chapter and post it again cuz wattpad was being a dick.

TW//: Sexual assault.

The next few weeks were so damn annoying. For both Louis and Harry.

Louis kept flirting with Harry and trying to get into his pants, driving Harry insane whereas it drove Louis mental when Harry turned him down with an insult every time.

''I see you've been having trouble, Lou. You haven't had a good fuck in a week. C'mon mate, Samantha has a full top half and I heard that she does everything you want her to do.'' Oli said and nodded towards a girl with ginger hair.

Louis looked at her and groaned. In all honesty, he just wanted Harry. He wasn't going to get him soon, though.

Samantha looked at him and winked. Louis smirked at her and she giggled behind her hand.

''You're right. See ya later, Oli.''

Louis walked towards her and she turned around with her top a little lower than before.

Louis pressed her up against the lockers and wasted no time before pressing his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, opening her mouth when Louis' tongue tried to push through.

The boy's hands moved up to her chest to cup her boobs and Oli was right when he said that they were quite big.

''I heard 7B is free in 5 minutes.'' Samantha panted into his mouth.

Louis chuckled and nodded. ''See you there in 10 then.'' He said, kissing the girl on last time before turning around.

After turning around he looked right at Harry who rolled his eyes and walked away, making Louis feel satisfied. That obviously meant that Harry was jealous and that was exactly the spot Louis wanted him to be in.

He just didn't expect the younger boy to be jealous this fast.

An hour later, Louis and Zayn were walking towards their next lecture. ''Samantha Young, Jezus Lou.'' Zayn snickered.

''Hmm, she was good. If you weren't gay I would definitely recommend her. Plus, she just wanted a quicky too. She didn't cling to me as that Jared dude did.''

''You mean Jude?''

''Whatever, man.''

They started walking up the stairs, whispering when they saw Harry walk in front of him, skirt bouncing a little with every step he took.

''D'ya think he wears panties?'' Zayn whispered.

''Only one way to find out.'' Louis laughed as he pulled out his phone. He put in on selfie mode and took a few steps closer to Harry, laying it flat on his hand and slowly bringing it closer to Harry's legs.

He already saw the edge of Harry's skirt on his phone before he nearly dropped it.

''Oh my God, you fucking perv!'' The girl next to Harry, Perrie, yelled.

Louis gulped.

Harry spun around and saw Louis' position, eyes going wide and cheeks going red. Before Louis even saw it coming, the boy ripped his phone from his hands and smashed it against the bannisters as hard as he could, effectively breaking the screen.

Louis gasped. ''What the fuck, mate!'' He yelled.

Harry gave him back his phone with angry tears in his eyes. ''Good luck explaining your mum why it's broken.'' He snapped and ran up the stair with Perrie following quickly.

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