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Louis looked at Harry's house and sighed, fixing his hair in the mirror. He hated disappointing Harry. Why did this have to happen just when he had a date.

The 21-year-old hopped out of the car and walked up to the front door, knocking on it after he took a deep breath.

A girl opened the door and she paled. ''Louis?''

''Hi, Denise. Is Harry here?'' Louis asked, looking into the house.

''Yeah, uhm. Harry!'' She yelled. ''Louis is here.''

''On my way!'' A voice came from the top of the stairs. Harry skipped down the white steps and smiled at Louis.

Louis sighed when he saw Harry's outfit and he smiled, feeling more guilt in his stomach.

''Hi, princess. You look amazing.'' Louis said, kissing Harry's hand, making the boy blush a little.

''I wanted to look pretty for our date.'' He answered.

''Well, you succeeded. There's only a little problem, though.''

''What? What's wrong?'' Harry asked, concern in his eyes.

''Did you hear the firetruck earlier?'' Louis asked, watching as Harry nodded. ''Yeah, the restaurant I was gonna take you too. It kinda caught fire.''

Harry gasped and placed a hand over his mouth.

''I called multiple other restaurants but none of them are special and they're all very crowded tonight. I have two options here, one is that we go on another day or you can come back to my room and we'll play video games whilst eating chocolate muffins and doughnuts. Your choice.''

Harry laughed and shook his head. ''Your room will be fine, I just wanna change if you don't mind.''

''Of course not. I'll wait.''

''Come in, though. You can come up to my room.'' Harry squeaked and pulled Louis inside and up the stairs.

Louis awkwardly grinned at Perrie who was judging him hard. If looks could kill, Louis would be burning in hell right now.

Harry dragged him into his room and closed the door.

Louis blinked and nodded.

Harry's room was so Harry. Fairy lights hanging from the wall, a white guitar in the corner, vinyl records on a shelf and it smelled like vanilla in here.

Louis knew that if he ever had to take Harry's virginity somewhere that he would do it here. Not to sound perverted or anything.

But Harry obviously decorated his room in a way that made him feel safe and at ease. Louis wanted Harry to be relaxed if they ever had sex. This would be perfect.

''What're you staring at?'' Harry asked, skipping out of the bathroom attached to his room, wearing black sweats and a pale pink jumper.

''Nothing in particular, to be honest. I like your room.'' Louis complimented, walking towards Harry when the boy beckoned him.

''You don't think it's girly?'' Harry asked insecurely.

''I think it's perfect.'' Louis stated as they walked out of the front door towards Louis' car.

The car ride wasn't longer than three minutes, but Harry didn't know where Louis lived and Louis didn't want the boy to get lost finding his house.

Louis pulled up in front of his house. Well, his? He shared it with Calvin, Zayn and Liam. Actually only Calvin and Zayn, but Liam was always with Zayn, so...

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