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A double one cuz why not.
Show me some love for all my effort here, please. Haha no m kidding.
Enjoy loves.

Louis pulled down his sweats and then slowly rolled Harry's thigh highs off of his smooth legs, eyes on Harry's face.

Right after that, he leaned back a little to take in Harry's beautiful body.

But Harry snatched the jumper from beside him and quickly covered up his body with the soft fabric.

''P-Please turn off the light?''

''Hazza-'' Louis said, pulling on the jumper.

''Please? That's all I want right now.''

''Baby, if you don't want to do this it's okay.''

''I do, but please turn them off.''

Louis kissed his forehead before standing up and turning off the fairy lights. Louis knew that Harry was very tense about this and he shouldn't be.

The 21-year-old noticed that Harry's desk was close, so he pushed against Harry's chair, pretended to trip over it.

''Fuck.'' He cursed under his breath.

A small giggle came from the bed which made Louis smile. Success.

''You find that funny, Styles? You think it's funny when I almost die.''

A loud laugh escaped Harry's lips.

''You're always so overdramatic, Louis.''

Louis chuckled too, feeling around the bed to navigate his way to Harry's face. Once he found it, he connected their lips again.

This time, Harry allowed Louis to take away the jumper. Louis kissed down his neck and started to suck on Harry's collar bone, causing Harry's breathing to pick up.

''Lou, please? Do something please?'' He whimpered. Louis could feel the boy's hard one against his leg and he knew that he was no different.

He reached for the nightstand and pulled out the lube, knowing exactly where it was because he saw it two weeks ago.

Whilst he opened it, he realised something.

He wanted to see Harry.

He wanted to tell him that he loved the boy, admire his beauty and tell him that he was beautiful. He wanted to see Harry's facial expressions to make sure that he was okay and that he wasn't in pain.

He wouldn't be able to do all of that when it was dark in the room.

''Louis? Why did you stop?'' Harry's small voice broke Louis out of his thoughts.

''Harry, princess. I'm going to turn on the lights.''

''Lou, I-''

''No baby. I need to see you. I want to see what I'm doing, I don't want to hurt you in any way.'' When there was no response, Louis assumed the answer was yes. He stood up once again and turned on the lights again.

Harry was laying on the bed with his eyes shut and his arms in front of his chest.

Louis smiled softly and walked towards Harry, taking his wrists and pulling his arms away from his chest.

''You're so fucking perfect. Shit, I'm so goddamn lucky to get such a beautiful boy all for myself.'' Louis whispered, pressing their lips together.

Harry let out a deep breath and his body posture became less stiff which made Louis realise that his words worked.

''I love you, baby.'' Louis whispered, listening closely when Harry said it too.

I don't want to wake up to an empty bedWhere stories live. Discover now