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''You're dripping all over my floor!'' Harry squeaked as he watched Louis stumble through his bedroom as he tried to pry off his wet skinny jeans.

''That's what he said.'' Louis mumbled under his breath, falling onto the bed to pull the impossibly tight trousers off.

Harry groaned and walked towards his boyfriend. He grabbed Louis' trousers and pulled on them as hard as he could.

They slowly came off with a wet, cringy sound and Louis smirked. ''Look at you undressing me. That's hot, princess.''

Harry blushed and rummaged through Louis' clothes. ''W-What do you wanna wear?''

''My grey sweats will do for now. Yes, it's raining but it's still fucking hot.''

''O-Okay.'' Harry stuttered, pulling out Louis' sweats and his big white jumper.

''Oh, I only meant the sweats, love.'' Louis said, nodding at the jumper.

''The shirt wasn't for you.'' Harry whispered and disappeared into the bathroom as Louis undressed with a smile on his face. Harry wearing his clothes would be the best sight in the world.

When Louis changed into some clean boxers and his dry sweats, he lay down on his bed as he scrolled through his Instagram feed, deleting the messages some boys and girls sent him throughout the day, asking him if he wanted to come over.

His head snapped up when the door to the bathroom opened, revealing Harry in Louis' old knitted jumper and some thigh highs.

Louis' jaw dropped when Harry shyly walked towards him, obviously not sure if he felt confident in this around Louis.

When Harry was withing reach, Louis curled his arms around the boy's waist and pulled him into his lap, pressing his cold nose into Harry's neck as he cuddled him close.

''So fucking pretty.'' Louis murmured, blowing raspberries in the younger's neck since he knew Harry loved it when he did that.

Harry giggled and turned around in Louis' lap. ''Do you want to order a pizza? I'm not in the mood to cook.''

''Hmhm, pepperoni, please?'' Louis said, shuffling back until he was sitting against the headboard.

Harry nodded and stood up, walking towards his desk to grab his phone and call the closest Domino's pizza.

Louis couldn't help but stare and admire Harry as the boy blushed as he was talking to someone at Domino's. God, Harry was so shy. And what for? He was beautiful.

''Y-Yes, thank you, sir. Have a g-good evening.'' The 19-year-old stammered, walking back towards the bed with his lip between his teeth.

Louis smiled reassuringly and opened his arms for the boy to crawl into.

Harry did as he was expected and placed his head on Louis his chest whilst one of the older boy's hands came up to play with his, wet curls.

''When will the pizza be there?''

''In like... fifteen minutes or so? We can watch friends whilst we wait?'' Harry asked, turning on the telly and a new episode of friends.

The two watched it quietly until Louis broke the silence.

''Your locks are getting rather long, Harold.'' Louis said, looking at the stretched strand of hair between his fingers.

''Hmhm, do you think I should cut it?'' Harry asked, looking up at Louis and shifting slightly, revealing the black lace of his panties.

Louis choked on his own spit when he saw those and tried to bring his focus back to Harry's face to prevent himself from getting hard.

''N-No. I love your hair.'' Louis said, pulling on the strand to emphasize his words.

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