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So later on. The picture Louis sends Harry, I tried to find a picture that was more appropriate for where he is at the moment he sends it but I couldn't find one. Bear with it and if you think you have a better one, with skinny jeans or something please send it to me? My ig is bestkindofbullshit
You'd safe my life.

''Zayn! Zayn, wait up!'' Harry chirped as he ran after Louis' friend.

Zayn sighed and turned around. ''What, Harry?''

For some odd reason, the raven-haired boy didn't really like Harry.

Probably because Louis and Zayn used to hang out a lot but since Harry and Louis were a serious item now, Louis spend a lot of time with his boyfriend instead of his best friend.

Zayn just had to get used to it.

''H-Hi, uhm. Can you help me with something... private?'' He asked, biting his lip.

Zayn nodded because... well who would be able to say no to pretty, dainty, little Harry.

Harry grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the toilets and looked in every stall before looking at Zayn again, taking a deep breath before he said the next sentence.

''You need to help me with sex.'' He blurted, cheeks rosy in embarrassment.

Zayn choked on his spit and shook his head. ''What?''

Harry giggled and shook his head. ''Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just nervous. Look, Lou and I have been together for three months today and I um... I just... I-''

''You want to spice up the sex?'' Zayn stated simply, making Harry's ears pink as he nodded.

''Why did you come to me then?'' Zayn asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Harry bit his bottom lip. ''Well, Louis sees you as one of his closest friends if not the closest so I figured that you would know what he likes?''

The older lad sighed and rubbed his eyes.

''What were you planning, H? Did you have anything in mind?''

Harry shook his head. ''No, well maybe something like c-candles but I know Louis likes hot sex too so I-I was just-''

''Call him daddy and he'll be on his knees within a second.'' Zayn said, shrugging lazily.

Harry's eyes widened and he fish-mouthed for a second. ''D-daddy?''

''Oh yeah, say it like that and he'll cum without you touching him.''

Zayn chuckled at Harry's distraught expression.

''Isn't that weird?''

''Harry, love. It's the hottest thing you can possibly do. I mean, Louis obviously looks and acts daddy even if I say so myself.''

Harry looked like he was having an internal fight, so Zayn placed a hand on his shoulder.

''Do you call your father daddy?''

''N-No, just dad.''

''Then I don't see the problem. Trust me, Harry. Louis won't be the only one loving it. Once you call Louis daddy he'll go all dominating and hot on you. You seem like a boy who likes to be manhandled?''

Harry blushed again and looked down at his skirt.

''Thought so. Just do it, Harry. If you don't like it you can always stop it.'' Zayn walked towards the door and looked back at the boy, smiling gently.

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