🚬🌸princess🌸 🚬

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Do y'all sometimes get the feeling like you want to stuff someone head in a toilet bowl? Just me? Alright.

Monday came and that must've been the worst day in Louis' life. Not because he was late and because he had to talk to an unknown lady on the bus for 20 minutes since he couldn't listen to music on his phone, but it was because of Harry.

No, it wasn't because the boy rejected him again or throw an insult in his face.

Harry was wearing skiny jeans and an oxford university sweater. No pretty skirts like usual.

Loui knew it had something to do with Friday night and he hated it.

He wanted to ask Harry about it, but Zayn appeared in front of him.

''Harry looks fucking depressed, man. How was he?''

Louis stared at Zayn as if he was delirious and scoffed. ''You think I fucked him because he looks depressed?''

''Well, I mean...'' Zayn said matter-of-factly.

Louis shook his eyes. ''Saw him walking in the rain Friday night. Rodney and Mark were harassing him and I stopped them. I walked him home.''

''And then you had sex.''

''No, Zayn. I just walked him home to make sure he was safe.'' Louis snapped, groaning when Harry walked away with Niall, the boy's best friend.

Zayn gaped and then nodded. ''Wow, I've never seen you this soft before.'' He snickered.

Louis glared and pushed his friend to the side. ''Whatever, Malik. Just tell me when you see Harry anywhere, I wanna talk to him.''


The next time Louis saw Harry, the boy was talking to Niall by his locker. Cheeks red and eyes damp.

Louis walked towards them and looked at Harry with concerned big eyes.

''Harry? Are you okay?'' He asked, gently reaching out for Harry's arm.

A tiny, choked sob fell from Harry's lips before he ran away from Niall and Louis, leaving the oldest in a stunned daze.

''I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset him!'' Louis yelped, looking at Niall.

Niall sighed. ''It's not your fault, Louis. Thank you for helping him Friday night. Now, I'm gonna comfort him.''

''Please,'' Louis said, grabbing Niall's arm. ''Let me?''

Niall bit the inside of his cheek and frowned. ''Louis, I don't know.''

''I will be kind, I promise. It's not a trick to get into his pants. I'm just worried.''

Niall breathed out. ''If you hurt him, I'll cut off your penis.''

Louis chuckled at the empty threat.

''He's at the football field under the bleachers. That's where he usually sits when he's upset.'' Niall said quietly.

''He's been upset before.''

Niall nodded. ''A few times. Like when you tried to take that picture.''

Louis' chest filled with guilt and he frowned. ''Fuck, I'm a dickhead.''

''Really?'' Niall asked. ''Now go. He won't be there for long.''

Louis ran after Harry towards the football field. He walked down the bleachers until he heard little sobs.

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