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So, this will be the lat chapter for this story. Maybe I will update a new chapter some day but for now this story is finished.
Thank you all so much for the comments and support.
I love you.

Louis traced Harry's facial features with his pointy finger as the boy slept peacefully.

Little puff of air left his lips, his lashes fluttering when a piece of his chocolate brown curls fell into his face.

Louis chuckled a tucked it back behind the younger's ear, smiling fondly at his boyfriend.

They've been together for 6 months, living together and all that.

After all, it was pretty obvious that they were basically soulmates if you believe in thins that.

Harry stirred slightly, his brows furrowing before a long sigh left his lips. Louis placed a hand on the lad's cheek and watched at Harry's eyes opened, revealing their mossy green colour.

''Good evening, sunshine.'' Louis whispered, pulling Harry into his arms.

''Evening?'' Harry wondered, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.

Louis nodded and smirked. ''Guess you were a little tired, angel. You fell asleep as soon as we came home from school.''

Harry nodded and curled up against Louis' chest, kissing a spot on Louis' chest where his shirt had slipped down a little. ''I was a little tired, yeah.''

Louis hummed and cupped the back of Harry's head, tilting it back so that he could press his lips to Harry's.

Harry immediately smiled against the elder's lips and wrapped his arms around Louis' neck, sitting up a little more so that he was now straddling his boyfriend.

''Hmm, my sweet baby. Love you so much.''

''Love you more, daddy.'' Harry yawned, pressing his nose into Louis' neck as Louis cuddled him again.

At first Harry only called Louis daddy during sex but the more he used it, the more he started to like it. Louis always got extremely protective and soft when Harry called him that if they weren't having sex and therefore, the 19-year-old decided to call Louis daddy when they were alone as well.

''Nearly impossible, princess. No one loves you as much as I do.'' Louis said whilst showering Harry's neck with little kisses, making the smaller boy giggle.

Harry sniffed before he pulled back, looking at Louis with wide, surprised eyes. ''You cooked!'' He chimed.

Louis nodded, chest warm with pride. It actually tasted good as well.

''I did, yes.''

''What'd ya make?'' Harry asked, playing with Louis' fingers.

''Chicken, stuffed wi-'' (hahah JK! That's too cliche but like... -th mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham with some homemade mash.)

''I made lasagna. Simple, but I was in the mood for lasagna.''

''Me too! Can we watch a movie as we eat? Oh, please, daddy? I just bought a new movie and I really want to watch it!''

''Of course, we can, princess. What movie were you talking about?''

''Call me by your name. I've heard about it and I want to watch it.''

''Sounds like a cheesy romance story.'' Louis whined.

Harry shook his head and grabbed his bag from the bed, pulling out the blue DVD. He handed it to Louis and pointed at the two men o the cover. ''No, no. It's not. It's about a boy and a man falling in love. I-It's really good, I think...''

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