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There is a little chance that I won't be able to update tomorrow because I'm going to Amsterdam and I have no clue when I'm home. I have to actually write the next chapter so idk yet, loves.
I'll try me best.

''You were amazing, Lou!'' Harry chirped when Louis walked towards him after the game.

Louis smiled and leaned down to gently peck Harry's lips. ''You thought so, princess?''

''Hmhm, didn't you hear the crowd. They were all screaming your name!'' Harry said, excitement clear in his voice. It was rather obvious that he had never been to one of the football games at school.

''They were shouting Liam and Stan's name too, bub.'' Louis said as he looked around the empty field.

Everyone had left already, off to another location to throw a party because they won.

Louis told them that he would join them later but that he was waiting for someone. The boys understood what he meant and left after telling their captain to have fun. Truth was that Louis wasn't even planning on getting laid tonight.

Yes, Louis and Harry were dating for a month now but no one actually knew. Zayn, Oli and Liam just assumed that Louis gave up on having sex with Harry.

''Well, I only had eyes for you...'' He mumbled, red colour painting his cheeks.

Louis smirked and pulled Harry closer until he could cuddle the younger boy properly, Harry inhaling Louis' shampoo and cologne.

''Do you want to go to the party?'' Harry asked, fiddling with his skirt nervously.

''Nah, baby. I wanted to stay with you tonight.''

''Oh, no, Lou. It's okay, you can go.'' Harry whispered, rubbing one foot over the other shyly. Louis loved how shy and careful Harry was around him. The boy was just rainbows, glitter and innocence.

''Love, I'm staying at your place this weekend. It would be a bit shitty if I'd go to a lame-ass party tonight and come to your house at 3 am to sleep.''

''I wouldn't mind. Perrie and Denise are with their family anyway, I-''

Louis pressed their lips together and chuckled. ''Don't you get it, princess. I'd much rather stay with you and watch a movie.''

Harry bit his lip, trying to suppress a smile but failing miserably.


It was Saturday now. The two boys had a lovely night in. When they woke up around two pm, they were tangled together in the sheets, causing Louis to get frustrated and nearly rip them whilst Harry giggled.

Not to mention that they were hungry as fuck since they skipped breakfast.

They went out for lunch together and then decided to go for a walk.

That's how they ended up walking through the park at 4 pm.

Louis took Harry's hand and tangled their fingers together, playfully bumping his hips against Harry, nearly causing the boy to fall because of his clumsy, Bambi legs.

Harry giggled when Louis steadied him with an apologizing look on his face. ''You clumsy little shit. Almost gave me a fucking heart attack.'' Louis hissed, eyes sparkling.

''Good. You shouldn't push people when they don't expect it.''

''Harry, you would have tripped even if you did know.'' Louis rolled his eyes but smiled down at his boyfriend, who huffed and mocked Louis.

I don't want to wake up to an empty bedWhere stories live. Discover now