🚬🌸Jealousy🌸 🚬

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Thank you for all the positive messages ! It made my day a lot better!

''Hey, princess!'' Louis yelled, running towards Harry, who was wearing a black grided skirt and top. The 19-year-old pressed his pink books against his chest and hissed.

''What, Lewis?'' Harry snapped, clearly not up for Louis' bullshit.

''I just wanted to say that I scraped my knees falling for you. 'S why there are holes in my skinnies.'' Louis said, pointing at his trousers.

Harry gave him a sarcastic and fake smile, which obviously went unnoticed by the 21-year-old.

''Oh my Goodness, Louis. That's so sweet. It makes me wanna-''

Harry stopped talking and stuck his converse cladded foot between Louis' legs as the older lad was still walking, causing him to fall forward to the ground, nearly smacking his face against the polished floor.

Louis moaned at the harsh impact and looked up at Harry.

''Now you nearly broke your damn nose falling for me. Have a good day, Lewis.'' Harry said sheepishly and stepped over Louis, walking away from him quickly.

Zayn walked towards Louis whilst laughing loudly, bringing the attention to Louis who was still sitting on the floor with a gobsmacked expression on his face.

''Louis, C'mon, lad. We need to get to our next lecture.''

Louis glared at the people who were glaring at him, causing them to quickly look away. No one wanted to upset Louis Tomlinson. Except for Harry that is.

''Why is he so fucking difficult. I have virgins begging me to take their virginity.'' Louis asked, accepting Zayn's hand to help him up.

''Maybe he values his heart more than a good fuck, Louis. I don't know.'' Zayn chuckled, dusting off Louis' jacket.

Louis pushed his hands away and growled. ''I will fuck him. And when I do he'll be begging for more.''

''Uhu, yeah sure.''

''I swear. He'll be screaming and begging as I take his virginity. Maybe he even calls me daddy, huh?'' Louis smirked.

''He might say daddy, yes. Though I'm not so sure about the screaming part. He's a shy boy after all.'' Zayn muttered, wrapping an arm around Liam's waist when the boy caught up with them, listening to their conversation so that he could participate in it.

''You know what they say, Zee. The silent ones are the loudest.'' Louis hummed, nodding at Liam.

''They also say that the quiet ones have the darkest and most dangerous minds, Louis.'' He said matter-of-factly.

''I don't give a fuck about his past, future or thought. I just want to push my cock in his ass and never talk to him again.''

''Yeah, I totally wonder why the boy doesn't want to give you his innocence. It's a big mystery.'' Zayn said sarcastically, pushing Louis into the classroom.


''He was bothering you again?'' Niall asked as he was sitting against a tree outside of school with Harry's head resting on his lap.

Harry nodded and opened his green eyes, looking up at Niall. ''He just won't stop. There are so many people who adore him and give themselves to him that he forgot what the word no means.''

''Well, did you tell him no or were you just the sassy little bitch you usually are when people make inappropriate comments.''

Harry flushed a deep shade of red and closed his eyes again so that he wouldn't see Niall's satisfied smirk.

''The second one.''

''Well, I mean. Maybe he thinks that you're playing hard to get, Harry. Not many people want to say no to the Louis Tomlinson and neither do I. You need to get straight to the point if you want him to stop.''

''Okay. First of all, getting straight to the point is hard considering I'm anything but straight. Second of all, when I turn him down he will be angry.''


''So? He's the captain of our football team, Ni. I don't need the whole football team harassing me every day. You know how I get.'' Harry whimpered, sitting up and tucking his knees to his chest, hugging them close.

Niall said up as well and sighed sadly, wrapping his arms around Harry's shoulders and pressing his nose into the other's neck, pecking the soft skin there which made Harry giggle a little.

''I know, Hazza. You shouldn't feel so insecure, though. You're beautiful, whether you're wearing a skirt or skinnies. They should keep their perverted thoughts to themselves.''

Harry leaned back against Niall and grabbed his hands, squeezing them softly.

''I love you, Ni. Thank you so much.'' He whispered, smiling when Niall chuckled.

''Of course, Hazza. That's what best friends are for. I love you too.'' The blonde said and kissed Harry's cheek.

Harry turned around and looked at Niall. ''Shall we go to my place and do our nails?''

''Again? We painted them yesterday.'' Niall said, wringling his blue, freshly painted nails in Harry's face.

Harry giggled and slapped them away, showing his own black ones.

''Well, I'm wearing something pink tomorrow so I want to paint them pink. Black reminds me of Louis anyway and I want nothing to do with that scum...'' The boy said, clicking his tongue and standing up when Niall did.

''I get your point. We need to do it quickly though because I still have some homework to do.''

''I'll help you with that. Just as a thank you for being the bestest friend in the whole wide world.''

''I appreciate that, H. Now let's go.'' Niall took Harry's hand in his and started skipping towards the parking lot.

Both not aware of the envious eyes of Louis, who was standing just a few feet away from them with clenched fists and angry eyes.

He scoffed at the jealous feeling in his chest. It only made him want to take Harry even more and that made him smirk.

That's what he had to do.

He just had to make Harry jealous. If he'd be giving him loads of attention the upcoming weeks and then suddenly jump to another person, Harry would obviously miss him in some twisted way.

Louis snickered and walked away, content with his new plan which was gonna work. He would have sex with Harry even if it was the last thing he would ever do.

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