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"I have two double cheeseburgers and cokes on this check, and a water with chicken strips on this one. You can pay at the register whenever you're ready. Have a great evening!" I told the three sitting at the table in front of me. It was a wednesday evening that, apparently, everyone in town had decided they wanted to come to the diner. Luckily for me, it meant that I would be making a pretty penny tonight, and the night was a lot more tolerable since Brynn actually had the same shift as me.
"Hey girly, your last table gave you a hundo," Brynn said as I approached the register where she stood. My eyes went wide for a second before I realized what table she meant causing me to let out a dry laugh, "You mean the table that had twenty people at it who all edited their meal in some way? I got all that shit right, too!" Brynn laughed along with me.
"Honestly, I'm surprised the kitchen didn't mess a single thing up," Brynn said as she handed me the cash tips from the last few tables she cleaned for me. I shook my head, "No, they messed shit up, I just caught it before I took it to the table. Thanks for cleaning for me." The look I gave her showed my appreciation as she assured me it was no problem. I had been slammed with tables while she waited on those who sat at the counter. The rush finally cleared out as I checked the time on my watch. Scoffing as I realized that the last two people were walking out the door an hour after closing time. Brynn finished wiping down the counter as I counted the register. It was nearing midnight when we finally left the diner, and my feet were killing me from the unexpected rush we had, and I was never happier to have a Thursday off.
When I woke up the next morning, the smell of pancakes and bacon was moving through the house. I grabbed my phone before heading downstairs. I found Carson in the kitchen with a stack of pancakes and plate of bacon sitting in front of him.
"I'm pretty sure I love you," I told him as I threw an arm around his neck in gratitude. Brynn walked into the kitchen as I walked to grab a plate from the cabinet.
"You better watch out. If you keep trying to steal my man, you won't be alive to meet your soulmate." her finger pointed at me accusingly as I rolled my eyes. "I don't want sloppy seconds, sweetie. You can keep him." Carson's jaw dropped in mock offense since he was so accustomed to the casual bickering that went on between us two.
I grabbed my pancakes and bacon before taking a seat at the bar to chow down. My phone vibrated on the bar signaling that I had a notification. My phone didn't go off that much since my only friends lived with me. Picking it up and unlocking it, I found that soulscreen was giving me a notification. I quirked my head to the side since I had never gotten a notification from them before. I clicked on it seeing a message pop up:
Your soulmate's whereabouts have changed. Take a look now!
Maybe the app had become more sophisticated since I last used it, or it had been so long since I checked that it was desperate to get me back. I decided to click on the app and give it a whirl. An audible gasp left my lips as I dropped my fork on my plate. It caught the attention of Carson and Brynn as they looked at me expectantly. I couldn't stop looking at the screen seeing a word that I never had before. Home.
It was hours later when I sat on the couch watching a movie with Brynn, since Carson had gone to work, when I jumped up from the couch.
"Brynn! What are we doing? My soulmate is home. What if home is here? Why are we sitting at home?" I started pacing the room, running my fingers through my hair. Brynn paused the movie on the screen.
"Scar, I hate to be a downer, but, you've already met every eligible person in this little ole town. You're going to have to venture out one day." I huffed throwing myself on the chair across the room from her. I knew she was right. There was not a single single person left in town. Like I said, everybody in this town finds their soulmate almost instantly. Even when we would go out, I would hope someone was visiting town, but nobody ever did. Why would anyone come to a podunk country town? I stopped thinking about my soulmate for the time being. I glanced at Brynn in question, "um, didnt you have work today?" I remembered that we had talked about going to the fair later, but she said that it would be after work. "No, debbie gave me the day off after we got slammed yesterday. Carson will be off by three so we can leave after that." I nodded along, smiling at the thought of how nice our boss was. We resumed the movie, and I promised myself that I would not sulk about my soulmate anymore. It would happen when it happened.
"I'm never eating anything other than fair food," I moaned out as I pulled off another piece of funnel cake.
"I don't think we can go on anymore rides. Im stuffed," Carson mentioned as he leaned back in the plastic chair he was sat in surrounded by all the food carts. Brynn leaned into his side, wrapping her arms around him, "I agree, babe. I'm glad we at least rode some things before we ate." I zoned out as they continued talking. The lights that were dancing around the food carts and rides were so pretty with a sunset as a background. The air smelled of fried food with a slight stench of trash, but what fair doesn't have a little bit of trash? The bustle of families mingled in with the sounds of games and music. The temperatures around here were unpredictable, but I was very glad that the November night had a chill in the air with a light breeze. My eyes continued scanning the fair grounds until they paused on the ferris wheel. It was on the complete opposite end, but I couldn't leave until we had been on the stereotypical ride. Brynn followed my stare and smiled as she stood reaching her arm out for me to take. The three of us walked with linked arms to the rotating circle. Brynn and Carson immediately cuddled up on one side of the car while I sat on the other. I sat sideways to watch the length of the fair with all the lights and activity. I was glad that we decided to have a night out. I took a short glance at the couple across from me just as they shared a kiss. I smiled as I looked back out at the bustling fair, happy that I could be a part of every step of their relationship, and knowing that they would be just as supportive when I became smitten like them.

a/n: this is my first story i've posted on here. i hope y'all like it! please feel free to give feedback and let me know if you want me to continue!

Where to Find You [calum hood soulmate au]Where stories live. Discover now