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"Calum! It's so cute! Can we get one, please? Pretty please? Look at it," I looked at Calum expectantly but pouted when he laughed.
"It's a baby. You can't just get one. It's not an animal."
Ashton had just come over with his wife and little girl, and I was hooked. The little girl was only a few months old, but her babbles and smiles were the cutest thing I had ever seen causing my baby fever to go into overdrive. It wasn't like we were ready for a kid at this moment. We had only been married for about six months, but the timing would be great considering they weren't planning a tour for a while since everyone had a spouse or even kids to attend to. It was different to have Calum home every day when I got home from work, but it was a welcomed change. The guys hadn't been around as often, but when they were it wasn't all about getting drunk and partying anymore. We had all grown up in the two and a half years that I had been in Calum's life. It was crazy to be in the part of life where are friends had kids of their own, but on some occasions we felt like kids ourselves. Brynn and Carson had brought themselves back into my everyday life when they moved a couple of streets away after my wedding. It was a relief not to have to rely on video chats to see my best friends anymore. My whole life was amazing. I just celebrated a promotion at work, Calum wasn't touring, and our six best friends lived within ten minutes of us. Life was perfect.
"Happy birthday, Amelia!" I said to the one year old sitting on her dad's lap. She smiled at me before shoving her fist into her mouth, covering it with slobber.
It was Ashton's daughter's first birthday, and since she didn't have friends, her parent's friends and family were the guests. She did have some second cousins and a few of her mom's coworkers kids to play with even though most were quite a bit older. She didn't seem to care for the kids much anyways, she preferred to squeal and scream during the adult conversations as if she was sharing her input on the topic.
The day dwindled down with Amelia making a mess with cake causing Ashton to pick her up for a bath. He didn't get far before stopping to talk with his bandmates allowing Amelia's cake covered hands to tangle in Luke's hair. The blue-eyed man was not happy with his pink frosted hair, but he couldn't blame the little girl who was giving him the most adorable smile as if she knew what she had done was not nice. Ashton finally got her to a bath without getting any other adults touched with cake hands.
Calum and I stuck around to help clean up since the others had plans, and we didn't. It gave me a chance to talk to Ashton's wife without the distraction of the others or her daughter. I had never really gotten a chance to get to know any of their spouses that well, but I wanted to since we had common ground with our rockstar husbands. Calum eventually went inside to help Ashton wash some dishes while we stayed out wiping down tables and chairs.
"You know, you'd think with how messy one would be that he would be content, but Ashton is so ready for another," she said as she was wiping down the high chair covered in cake.
"Is it that you don't want one now or you just want one?" I asked, hoping I wasnt prying too much.
"Oh, I definitely want another, just not now. I'm hoping Amelia will be potty trained and walking before we have another. Hell, I'd be fine waiting until she was in school!" I laughed along at her words understanding how hard it would probably be to have two toddlers. "What about you guys? You've been married over a year at this point. I still remember your baby fever the first time we brought Amelia to your house," She winked at you as you both remembered that time.
"There's actually something that I wanted to talk to you about."
"Hey, Calum, are you busy?" I asked as I found him in his music room on the piano.
"No, babe. What's up?" He said turning around on the piano stool as he opened his arms for me to walk into. I did and smiled down at him not saying anything yet. After a minute, I broke the hug to pull him up from his seated position leading him to the living room couch. There was a small wrapped box sitting there that he took notice of. He halted his movements before quirking his face and furrowing his brows.
"My birthday was a few weeks back, and it's not quite the anniversary of our first meeting?" His words came out as a question, but I just shook my head.
"You're right, but I couldn't wait until the anniversary, so we're calling it a late birthday present." I motioned for him to sit on the couch next to the present. He slowly, unsurely, walked over to the couch taking forever to sit down. My patience was wearing thin because of my excitement, but i understood his wariness. I sat down on the coffee table in front of him with my phone already recording from the end table.
"Go ahead and open the present!"
"I don't know if I want to. 'M confused," He said, still looking at me with furrowed brows.
"Well, your confusion won't just disappear. Open the box!" He still looked unsure, but did as I said.
His confusion only grew when the box was filled with tissue paper, but otherwise seemed to be empty. He started searching through the paper before he found a picture. Not just any picture, but a sonogram picture. I was convinced it was the flu, but, boy, was i wrong.
He took a minute to register the information with his mouth looking like a fish out of water all the times he opened and closed it.
"You know that thing I wanted about eight months back?" He slowly nodded his head at my stupid attempt at a joke. It wasn't until now that I noticed the glassy look in his eyes causing tears to well up in mine. "Well, we're getting one!"
A lock of hair and a tattoo all led up to this moment, and I never appreciated the soulmate system more.
a/n: thank you all so much for reading this story! i hope y'all enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
now that school is out, hopefully, i can write more. i've already got some stories in progress that i hope to post soon.
follow me on tumblr to see some one shots i have written! (link in bio)
thanks against for reading this story! every read and vote and comment makes my day!

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