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a/n: Hello! It's been ages since I've written anything, but in celebration of this story being completed one year ago- here is an epilogue! Please enjoy! (Also, this hit 21k reads. Amazing! love you guys!!)

It only took a year for Calum to call it quits. No one had expected it, not Scarlett, not the boys, not even Calum himself. The tweet he had sent out the night before was as vague as he could possibly be. The rumors started, and the fans were arguing.

This was something that I had to do. Never thought I'd want anything different, but there's someone new in my life. This is for her.

He thought about a lot as he was composing the tweet. He thought about how his life was going to change as soon as he hit the send button. He thought about how much he loved this new girl in his life, more than he had ever loved Scarlett, and yet he felt no guilt. What he didn't think about, though, was just how many rumors one simple tweet could start. He should've expected all hell to break loose in the hours following, but he didn't- and it did.

Calum thought nothing of his online presence roughly thirteen hours earlier. He woke up, followed his normal routine, and met his bandmates at the studio before the sun had fully created the horizon. He was greeted by a few of the familiar workers on his way to the third floor. He waved 'hello', greeted with smiles, and even shook a few hands. The atmosphere on his way to the normal meeting room did nothing to prepare him for what awaited.

"Have you lost you fucking mind, Hood?" A studio executive yelled at the blonde man. When Calum had no words, he continued, "Speculations are flying around! We agreed that this was not news to be released in this manner!"

Calum sat in silence to stare at the man until he saw his tense shoulders relax and head drop. While the anger was directed at Calum, he didn't fault the man for yelling. He knew what it was like to have pressure from your bosses, and sometimes the only way to relieve that stress was to yell at the person causing it.

"Understood." Calum said, keeping his answer short and simple. He didn't feel it necessary to apologize because it was his life, and he could announce things however he felt like it, but he knew better than to argue with someone who seemed full of pent-up anger. His bandmates stayed quiet during the whole meeting. They were all sent out the door with their assignments for the next twenty-four hours. The tension from the netting room hung around even when it was just the four of them in the parking garage. It wasn't like there was any sort of tension between any of them, but the amount of yelling and arguing from the meeting had them all off balance.

"Cal, mate, go home and get some rest. The boys and I will get this shit straightened out." Ashton assured him as he squeezed his shoulder. Calum ran his hands over his face before looking at his dark-haired friend. He nodded his head in thanks and announced his goodbyes before getting in his car and making his way back home.

He was greeted with an eerily quiet house, but the lack of sound was welcomed after the morning he had endured. He did, however, smell coffee in the kitchen which confirmed that he was not the only one awake in the residence. A warm cup of coffee sounded amazing with the headache that was creeping up in his forehead, so he headed for the kitchen. There was no hesitation to take a long sip after filling up his mug. He would've probably downed the whole steaming cup in seconds if it weren't for his phone singing loudly in his pocket and breaking the serene silence of the house. The notification was letting him know that Ashton had sent out a tweet. He slid the notification and watched as the Twitter logo faded out to show Ashton's tweet which had a video attached. Calum picked up his mug, phone in hand, as he made his way towards the living room. He noticed a figure sitting on the couch with only the light of the morning sun illuminating the room through the open curtains. He made his way over to her, placed a kiss on her cheek, and exchanged smiles as she turned to look up at him. He took a seat right next to her as she asked, "Did you see Ashton's tweet?" He shook his head.

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