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I had woken up hours earlier than normal today, but I didn't complain. I would be seeing Scarlett in just a few hours, and I had to get ready and find some excuse to tell the boys on why I wouldn't be joining them at lunch today. That was a problem for later. For now, I would grab some complimentary breakfast after having a shower.
It was 9:46 when I showed up outside of the diner. I was early partially due to excitement and, partially, because I didn't want to make her wait even a second for me to arrive. Apparently timeliness was something we had in common since she arrived exactly five minutes before our planned meeting time. I couldn't help the smile that took over my face as she walked over to me. The wind was blowing her hair around her face while she tried to keep her jacket closed without zipping it up. Her outfit was simple with it being just jeans, t-shirt, jacket, and converse, but she pulled it off well. she wasn't looking straight ahead as she walked, trying to keep the wind from hitting her directly on the face, but once she looked up and met my eyes, a smile worked its way onto her face.
I don't know what came over me, but I walked forward to capture her in a hug. Her giggle floated to my ears as here arms made their way around my waist. This was a moment that I never wanted to end. I reluctantly pulled back and dropped my arms to my sides.
"Hey, um, it's good to see you again. I figured we could grab some coffee somewhere to sit and talk. Probably not here, but we can if you want to." I quickly rushed out, nervous for the first time in a while. Her smile calmed me down as she gently shook her head.
"No, somewhere else would be great. I haven't exactly told anyone I've met you yet." I let out a relieved sigh.
"I haven't said anything either. I just met you. I'm not quite ready to share you yet." Her quiet laugh let me know she felt the same. She grabbed onto my hand before walking down the street only stopping a few blocks from where we started at a hole in the wall coffee shop. I had found out she had already had breakfast which was a relief since I had as well and was planning on grabbing lunch in a couple of hours. We ordered our drinks, I settled for a coffee while she got a fruit smoothie, and I paid for it much to her dismay. We sat at a table outside the shop next to a window with various flower pots sitting on the windowsill.
"So, not a coffee person?" I asked before taking a sip from the warm cup in my hands.
"Definitely not. Occasionally I'll drink it as a hangover cure, but I dread every sip."
"I live off the stuff when we're on the road. Late nights and early mornings need a coffee cure." I saw her face tilt a little with her mouth slightly parting. I immediately halted my thoughts to hear what she was about to say.
"Why are you on the road so much?" was the question that left her lips. So she's not a fan. What if she hates our music when she hears it? What if she prefers drummers? I had to abandon my thoughts when I realized she was staring at me expectantly.
"Oh, um, I'm in a band. We're on tour right now," I explained as she slowly nodded. "Which reminds me, we have a show tonight, and I want you there. I can get you and some friends tickets. It would mean a lot to have you there." Her face lit up, but I was unsure which part caused that reaction.
"I freakin love concerts, dude. And a band with my soulmate in it can't be half bad. I'll will gladly be there with my two friends." My laugh was packed with a snort as she referred to me lovingly as 'dude'. This girl was something else, but I liked it. She wasn't like the girls I often met. She didn't know who I was. She didn't want me because I'm in a famous band. I didn't really know if she did want me but she was stuck with me. Soulmates for life, bitches.
We talked long after our drinks were emptied. It was when I received a text from Ashton that I realized it was noon. He was asking me to come to lunch with them, but I declined quickly coming up with a lie that I was doing a juice cleanse today. I don't think he bought it, but he didn't argue. Scarlett and I ended up at a sandwich shop. She wouldn't let me pay for her again so we finally compromised on buying our own meals because I sure as hell was not going to let her waste any money on me.
The conversations we had as we got to know each other were something I never wanted to end. I got another text from Ashton saying that the bus was leaving at two, no exceptions. I only had a little over an hour and a half to spend with Scarlett.
"I saw that you were traveling a little while back," her head nodded in acknowledgment, "Where'd you go?" Her face lighting up with excitement was something that I'd never get tired of.
"We went to California. Los Angeles area. I had the time of my life. I'd love to go back."
"No way! I live in Los Angeles. Your started a few days before you got there. Imagine if it all would've lined up, and we met in California."
"That would have made that place even more amazing than it was. I say I move in with you." She said as she bit into a fry.
"Already talking about moving in? On a first date? Slow down, baby." The smirk on my face had her rolling her eyes.
"Might as well talk about a wedding, too. Soulmates are kinda guaranteed a future together." Her tone was light and teasing. Hearing her say that had it all sinking in. This was my soulmate. I finally had her, and this was the start of the rest of my life. The smile on her face quickly dropped as did the couple of fries
she held in her hands. I gave her a quizzical look, shocked at her sudden change.
"I almost forgot. Who sings that fucking song?" I burst out laughing feeling her stare on me. It was too funny to me that she had no knowledge of my band. I reached out to grab her hand that was on the table, running my thumb over her knuckles.I looked up to meet her eyes after my laughter finally ceased to find her curious gaze not amused by my reaction.
"I do, sweetheart." Her jaw hit the floor.

Where to Find You [calum hood soulmate au]Where stories live. Discover now