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The guys and I were glad to have gone to the diner instead of fast food. It tasted like a home cooked meal which was something we lacked when on the road for months at a time. We had left the restaurant and were walking down the sidewalk. The downtown area wasn't to far of a walk, so we opted to get in the exercise instead of calling for another Uber. the sun was shining brightly today as I reached up to pull my sunglasses over my eyes.
"Dammit!" I cursed as the guys turned to look at me for my random outburst. "Forgot my stupid sunglasses on the table," I explained.
"It's just right back there. We'll wait here while you go grab them." I nodded my head, confirming to Ashton that I would be taking his suggestion. I swiftly walked back, adding in a slow jog a few times. I slowed to a stop as I reached the front door and pulled it open.
The place was deserted with only one waitress wiping down tables. I chuckled to myself as I heard the lyrics to our song playing over the radio as I approached the girl. I was standing behind her about to try to get her attention when she groaned and threw the rag she was holding down on the table. Her right foot stomped against the ground as she exclaimed, "Who even sings this fucking song?" It clicked in my mind that I knew those words better than I should. Those words had been tattooed on my ankle for the last eight years.
I couldn't stop myself as I blurted out, "Are you fucking kidding me?" I didn't mean for it to sound so harsh, and I was about to apologize when she reached to the top of her head. I followed her hand to see my sunglasses. An apology didn't form from my lips, but it did from hers.
"Shit! Sorry! Thes-" Her words stopped as she turned her body in my direction. I had pulled out a chair from the table next to me before sitting down and pulling my pants leg up just enough to see the words etched on my skin. Her face gave me a questioning look, our eyes meeting for a brief second, before her eyes trailed down to my ankle. My eyes diverted to his leg where I read the words. Her cheeks flushed deeply as she read the words that she had just said. All suspicions she may have had were confirmed, and mine were, too. I had found my soulmate.
I quickly tried to memorize every inch of her face. Her hair was a mix of brown and blonde strands, but looked natural. There was one piece that looked more blonde than the others, but my eyes were moving too fast trying to drink her all in to focus on that. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel color that looked almost golden with the way the light shined on them. Her blush was still present but had settled down quite a bit, and her smile was wide showing off her teeth. I could tell she was just as shocked from this moment as I was.
I stopped scanning her appearance when I saw the glasses in her hand and was reminded of my friends down the road.
"Sorry, but I've got to catch up with my mates. I'll be seeing you again though," I told her now understanding what everyone meant when they said you would never want to leave your soulmate. She made a quick move to bring my glasses towards me, but I gently put my hand up to stop her as I shook my head.
"Keep them, babe. They probably look better on you anyway." I didn't miss the way she dropped her head slightly causing her hair to fall in front of it or the way her cheeks became a sweet shade of pink. A smirk graced my face as I noticed her reaction to my words.
"Such a charmer, huh?" She quickly shot back. Her face looked down again to where my hand was still rested against hers. It felt right, but I moved it so I could grab a napkin. I pulled out the sharpie I kept in my shirt pocket before scribbling down my number. I handed it to her before lightly grabbing her arms at her sides to place a kiss on her cheek. I knew I had to hurry back to my bandmates before they decided to come back to look for me, so I quickly turned to jog towards the front door, I put my hand on the handle before turning back to the girl behind me. Shooting her a wink, I said, "Call me!" I opened the door and jogged the short way to where my friends were waiting.
"I thought you went back to get your sunglasses?" Michael voiced as he noticed the lack of them on my face. I didn't want to reveal what had actually gone down just yet. I didn't even know her name. Fuck. I didn't even know her name.
"Um, yeah. They weren't there. Someone took 'em I guess," I lied, hoping they would believe it.
"You sure did take long enough," Luke commented.
"Yeah, waitress helped me look for a bit then tried to give me a coupon for a milkshake when we didn't find 'em."
"Where's the coupon?" For fuck's sake. I held back the groan of exasperation at Ashton's question. "I didn't take it. We don't have time to come back to get a milkshake, dumbass." I tried not to let the clench in my jaw be noticeable. Michael decided to chime in again as well.
"We could've used it right now, dude!" Why the fuck did they all suddenly want a milkshake? I glanced around the area we were standing before seeing what I was looking for up ahead. I pointed, "there's an ice cream shop right there. Go get a damn milkshake."
Michael shook his head, "Nah, I'm not really feeling a milkshake today." It's official: I fucking hate all of my friends.
We continued walking into downtown. I let them all walk a bit ahead of me since I was still annoyed with the conversation that had happened just a few minutes ago. I tried to forget about it, and smiled as I thought back to the pretty girl from the diner. The one that I would spend the rest of my life with. I just had to hope she didn't lose my number. My mind was overtaken with thoughts of her for the rest of the day. From the store we went into for me to buy some new sunglasses to the restaurant we settled on for dinner, everything had my mind going back to the girl from the diner.
We had all sat down at a table in some steakhouse that was about twenty minutes from our hotel. We had to take an Uber here, but it was another chance for us to have a meal that didn't come in a to-go bag. The waiter came over to bring us our drinks that we had ordered before asking what we wanted to eat. He took the menus from us assuring us that our meals would be out shortly before turning away from the table.
My phone buzzed in my pocket signaling that I had a text. This was odd to me since the only people who had this number were my bandmates, and they were all sitting around me. I looked at the screen to see the notification was from an unknown number. I unlocked the phone, opening the messages app to click on the most recent message.

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Where to Find You [calum hood soulmate au]Where stories live. Discover now